Tiago Forte

Productivity Expert, Founder of Forte Labs, & Creator of 'Building a Second Brain'


Online Educator


About Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte is a leading expert in the field of productivity, digital organization, and personal knowledge management. As the founder of Forte Labs, he has pioneered innovative methodologies that empower individuals to harness technology for maximum efficiency and creativity. His signature course, Building a Second Brain, has transformed how thousands approach information overload by teaching them to create a comprehensive external system for managing ideas and tasks.

With a knack for blending practical techniques with profound insights into human behavior, Tiago’s work emphasizes sustainable productivity practices that align with one's goals and well-being. He is also an accomplished author whose writings explore topics ranging from project management to self-improvement. Through his books, courses, and YouTube videos, Tiago continues to inspire professionals across various fields to reclaim control over their lives—helping them not just achieve more but do so meaningfully.

Fun Facts About Tiago Forte

  1. Tiago Forte is a first-generation American from Orange County who grew up in a culturally rich Brazilian and Filipino household. His father’s prolific and multifaceted artistic endeavors taught him the value of creativity and productivity, while his mother’s emotional intelligence and patience shaped his approach to personal and professional challenges. Source
  2. In 1998, Tiago Forte's parents took their family out of school and moved to southern Brazil for a year of cultural immersion, despite warnings it would harm their education. This experience proved transformative, as Tiago learned Portuguese, developed a passion for languages and travel, began writing, and deepened his connection to his heritage, shaping his identity and inspiring his later nonprofit work. Source
  3. Since April 2012, Tiago Forte has served as an Instructor-in-Residence and Startup Advisor at PARISOMA in San Francisco, where he creates and leads courses on Design Thinking, Workflow Design, and Behavior Design for both corporate and startup audiences. Source

Quotes by Tiago Forte

  1. “The three habits most important to your Second Brain include: Project Checklists: Ensure you start and finish your projects in a consistent way, making use of past work; Weekly and Monthly Reviews: Periodically review your work and life and decide if you want to change anything; Noticing Habits: Notice small opportunities to edit, highlight, or move notes to make them more discoverable for your future self.”
  2. “Your job as a notetaker is to preserve the notes you’re taking on the things you discover in such a way that they can survive the journey into the future. That way your excitement and enthusiasm for your knowledge builds over time instead of fading away.”
  3. “We call someone who is not in control of their mind insane. What do we call someone who is not in control of their attention, which is the gateway to the mind?”

Tiago Forte's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 10,700 0.27% 30 1
TikTok 714 15.62% 112 N/A
YouTube 269,000 0.21% 564 30
Twitter 137,400 0.04% 46 5
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Tiago Forte's Topics & Themes






About Tiago Forte's Audience

Tiago Forte’s work resonates widely with anyone looking to integrate effective organizational systems into their daily routines while maintaining balance and enhancing creativity. His key audiences include:

  1. Productivity Enthusiasts: Individuals who are passionate about optimizing their efficiency and effectiveness in their personal and professional lives find Tiago Forte's methodologies particularly appealing.
  2. Knowledge Workers: Professionals who rely heavily on managing information, such as writers, researchers, educators, developers, and analysts, benefit greatly from his strategies for organizing and retrieving knowledge.
  3. Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders: Those leading teams or running businesses look to Tiago Forte for innovative ways to enhance productivity and streamline operations within their organizations.
  4. Students & Lifelong Learners: Individuals engaged in continuous learning seek out his techniques for managing the vast amount of information they encounter daily.
  5. Self-Improvement Seekers: Anyone focused on self-improvement and personal development finds value in his emphasis on sustainable practices that support long-term growth without burnout.

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Platforms That Tiago Forte Is Active On







Featured Content from Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why we love Tiago Forte's video on the PARA method for organizing digital information:

  1. Clear problem statement: Tiago Forte begins by addressing the common issue of over-complicating note-taking and knowledge management due to the lack of a clear framework. This helps viewers relate to the problem and sets the stage for the solution he's about to present.
  2. Introducing the PARA method: Tiago Forte introduces the PARA method as a straightforward, easy-to-remember acronym that stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives. This makes the framework easy to grasp and apply.
  3. Detailed explanation of each category: Tiago Forte dedicates time to explain each of the four categories in detail, providing clear definitions, examples, and distinguishing characteristics. This helps viewers understand the purpose and value of each category within the PARA framework.
  4. Real-life examples: Throughout the video, Tiago Forte shares examples of projects, areas, resources, and archives from his own life and work. These real-life examples make the concepts more concrete and relatable for the audience.
  5. Visual walkthrough of his personal system: Tiago Forte provides a screencast tour of his own digital note-taking app (Evernote), showing how he has implemented the PARA method. This visual demonstration helps viewers see the framework in action and provides a clearer understanding of how it can be applied.
  6. Emphasis on the benefits: Tiago Forte highlights the key benefits of using the PARA method, such as minimizing decision-making, reducing clutter, and focusing on taking action. This helps viewers understand the value of adopting this framework in their own digital lives.
  7. Encouraging next steps: At the end of the video, Tiago Forte mentions upcoming videos in the series that will guide viewers through the process of creating their own PARA system. This encourages viewers to take action and provides a clear path for implementing the framework themselves.

How to Create Content Like Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte's video employs several smart tactics that other creators could emulate to get more traction and interest in their own how-to content:

  1. Address a common pain point: Digital clutter and disorganization is a widespread struggle people face today. By focusing on a framework to solve this relatable problem, you tap into existing demand and interest in the topic.
  2. Introduce a unique, memorable system: Tiago presents the PARA method as a simple yet effective system for organizing everything using just 4 categories. Sharing a novel approach like this, with a catchy acronym, helps the content stand out and stick in people's minds.
  3. Show the system in action with a screen share: Rather than just explaining the method conceptually, Tiago Forte demonstrates how he actually uses it by showing his own digital folders and notes. Walking viewers through a real example like this makes it easier to visualize implementing the system themselves.
  4. Tease a step-by-step walkthrough: At the end, Tiago Forte mentions that future videos will provide step-by-step guidance on setting up the PARA system. This encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel and creates anticipation for more tactical instruction on the topic.
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