The Remote Solopreneur’s Guide to Creating Systems and Content that Win Over Lighthouse Clients

The DTA framework, How to identify and target lighthouse clients, LinkedIn content workflow , Challenges and benefits of building a remote agency

About the Episode

Ken Yarmosh, founder of "The Club," is an entrepreneur and business coach focused on helping consultants, solopreneurs, and founders build scalable systems and improve sales. He authored "App Savvy," which has sold over 12,000 copies.

Ken was also the CEO of Savvy Apps and currently works as a Fractional COO for companies like Content Growth.

In this episode of "Uploading...," Ken reveals the secrets behind creating scalable systems that drive business success. He introduces the mnemonic DTA—Document, Template, Automate—as a key strategy for freeing up time for high-impact tasks. He also covers why marketing, sales, and client delivery are the lifeblood of any scalable offer and how to hyper-target your ideal "lighthouse clients."

Ken shares his content strategy, particularly how he came up with the category "remote solopreneur" on LinkedIn and the effectiveness of daily publishing and repurposing content for conversion.

Today, we'll cover:
- Ken’s system for business growth: Document, Template, Automate (DTA)
- How to identify and target lighthouse clients
- Ken’s LinkedIn content workflow for daily publishing and engagement
- The significance of focusing on conversion over virality in social media content
- Challenges and benefits of building a remote agency

3 Strategies for Sucess from Ken Yarmosh

1. Focus on Key Business Systems

Ken explains how important it is to focus on the main parts of your business if you want it to be successful and grow. He emphasizes three key systems: marketing, sales, and client delivery.

Ken introduces a simple trick called DTA—Document, Template, Automate. This means businesses should:

  • Write down how they do their tasks;
  • Create reusable templates; and
  • Automate repetitive tasks.

The DTA framework helps companies save a lot of time and resources while also making fewer mistakes. It not only makes the work process smoother but also allows employees to focus on more important and strategic tasks.

2. Create a Scalable Offer

Instead of making more money only by doing more work, Ken advises businesses to look for ways to grow without always having to hire more people or find more clients.

A scalable offer serves more people without a proportional increase in costs or time.

Focusing more on creating scalable offers can help businesses deliver great value to a larger number of customers while being more efficient and profitable.

3. Have a Consistent & Replicable Content Workflow

Having to consistently produce good content can feel overwhelming. Ken highlights how a reliable content workflow can make this task much easier. He shares his detailed step-by-step process that goes like this:

Step 1: Idea Capture

Great ideas can come anytime, so make sure to quickly write them down whenever you think of one. This way, you’ll never run out of things to talk about.

Step 2: Writing

Turn your ideas into full content pieces. Make sure each one has a clear message and asks people to take action.

Step 3: Scheduling

After writing, schedule your posts to go out every day or at your desired cadence. Mix it up by posting different types of content, like written posts and videos.

Step 4: Performance Check

Look at how people respond to your posts to see what they like and what they don't. Then, use this feedback to make your future posts even better.

Step 5: Repurposing

If certain posts perform well, use them again in different ways. This will help you reach more people without needing to come up with more new ideas.

Episode Timestamps

03:19 Lessons from going against conventions in building a business
07:21 Business systems — what are they and how to build one
11:08 Framework for assessing challenges within businesses as a consultant
13:28 How to turn your skills into an offer that gets you clients you want
19:09 Looking at competitors, alternatives, and lighthouse clients
22:20 Building a business through content as a solopreneur
27:20 Virality vs conversion in social media
28:34 Ken Yarmosh’s content workflow, from ideation to repurposing

The Future of Knowledge Work: "I do believe that we're going to be more powerful as knowledge workers, combining tools and AI with those knowledge workers, I don't think it's just like, hey, content marketers are going to be replaced by Castmagic or AI. I think that content marketers are going to find new lanes. It's called creative destruction." — Ken Yarmosh [00:08:08 → 00:08:29]

Scaling Business Post-Automation: "The systems allow us as business owners to scale and to have control over that scale because we say, I'm not just gonna go replace this with another person." — Ken Yarmosh [00:09:03 → 00:09:13]

The Three Pillars of Business Success: "When I look at most businesses, not saying all businesses, but most businesses, they largely are going to be driven by three systems: marketing, sales and client delivery." — Ken Yarmosh [00:11:44 → 00:11:55]

Hyper-targeting Lighthouse Clients; “ A lot of the targeting is so generic, right? Title revenue and headcount, those are, that's a lot what people do to define their ICP. And I say the lighthouse client, we go deeper into things like the psychographics, right? How do they think? What are their pain points, the exegraphics? How does the company perceive themselves?” — Ken Yarmosh [00:15:09 → 00:15:27]

Episode Transcript & Castmagic Chat

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