
Instagram Growth Strategies: 7 Fail-Proof Ways to Increase Followers

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Many business use Instagram in an effort to get more visibility for their brand. But, if you're like the hundreds of thousand of marketers online trying to rev up their Instagram following, you might not be gaining the traction you hoped for on the social media platform.

Are you tired of posting amazing content on Instagram only to hear crickets? You're not alone! With 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a powerhouse platform for businesses and individuals alike. But, the truth is growing your following organically can feel like an uphill battle. Don't worry though because below we're sharing 7 fail-proof Instagram growth strategies that will have your follower count skyrocketing in no time.

1. Craft a Compelling Instagram Profile

Your Instagram profile needs to stand out and make a great first impression! Here's how to optimize your profile for maximum impact:

First, let's talk about your bio on your Instagram account. This tiny space packs a big punch! Use relevant keywords that describe what you do and who you serve. For example, if you're a vegan chef, include phrases like "plant-based recipes" or "vegan meal prep." This helps you show up in searches and attract your target audience. 

You can use Instagram hashtags in your bio as well for a better chance of connecting with Instagram accounts that have similar interests.

Next up, choose a profile picture that's instantly recognizable. For businesses, this is usually your logo. For personal brands, a clear, friendly headshot works wonders. Remember, this tiny circle is often the first thing people see – so make it a good one! 

Don't forget to use Instagram's features to their fullest potential. For example, create eye-catching Instagram stories and highlights to showcase your best content and use a link in bio tool to direct followers to multiple destinations. These small touches can make a big difference in converting profile visitors to followers. 

Lastly, create a cohesive visual aesthetic that reflects your brand. Use consistent colors, filters, and themes in your posts to create a polished, professional look. Trust us, a well-curated feed can be the deciding factor for someone choosing whether to hit that follow button!

 2. Develop a Consistent Posting Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to Instagram growth strategies. But how often should you post? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, studies show that posting one or two times per day is a sweet spot for many accounts. 

The trick is to find the best times to post for your unique audience. Take advantage of Instagram Insights to see when your followers are most active. You might be surprised – your audience could be night owls or early birds! Click here to read more about Instagram Insights.

Once you've nailed down your optimal posting times for your Instagram account, use scheduling tools to automate the process. This way, you can batch create content and ensure you're always showing up for your audience, even when life gets busy. Learn how to schedule Instagram posts here.

Remember, quality trumps quantity every time. It's better to post high-quality content less frequently than to flood your followers' feeds with mediocre posts. Strike a balance that works for you and your audience.

3. Create Engaging and Diverse Content

Want to skyrocket your Instagram growth? Mix up your content! Instagram offers a variety of formats, and using them all can boost your visibility and engagement. 

Instagram Reels are the hot ticket right now. These short-form videos are Instagram's answer to TikTok, and the algorithm loves them. Use trending audio, add text overlays, and keep them fun and snappy.

Pro Tip: educational content performs exceptionally well in Reels format!

Don't neglect Instagram Stories, either. These 24-hour posts are perfect for behind-the-scenes content, polls, and quick updates. Plus, using Instagram's interactive stickers can boost engagement and make your followers feel involved.

Carousel posts are another engagement goldmine to build your Instagram following. These swipeable posts keep users on your content longer, which the algorithm loves. Use them for step-by-step tutorials, before-and-after reveals, or to share multiple photos from an event.

Whatever content you create, make sure your visuals are top-notch and your captions are engaging. Ask questions, use emojis, and don't be afraid to show your personality! Remember, social media platforms are, well, social! Even if you're hoping to use social media to make more sales, it's all about building connections.

4. Leverage Instagram's Algorithm

Ah, the mysterious Instagram algorithm. While it might seem like a puzzle, understanding how it works can give your Instagram growth strategy a serious boost.  

Here's the scoop: Instagram prioritizes content from accounts that users interact with most. So, the key is to encourage engagement on your posts. Respond to every comment, even if it's just with an emoji. Engage with your followers' content too – it's a two-way street!

Use Instagram's features to increase your discoverability. Add location tags to your posts and Instagram Stories. Mention and tag relevant accounts (but don't go overboard – nobody likes spam). Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags to reach both broad and targeted audiences.

And here's a little-known way to grow: the first 30 minutes after posting are crucial. If your post gets a lot of engagement in this window, Instagram is more likely to show it to more people. So, time your posts wisely and encourage your most loyal followers to engage quickly!

5. Collaborate with Influencers and Brands

Collaborations can be a fast track to Instagram growth. By partnering with influencers or complementary brands, you can tap into new audiences and gain credibility by association.

Related: Dreaming of being one of the hottest Instagram influencers? Click here to learn how. 

When looking for potential collaborators, don't just focus on follower count. Engagement rate and audience alignment are far more important.

For example, micro-influencers (those with 10,000-50,000 followers) often have highly engaged, niche audiences that could be perfect for your brand. 

There are many ways to collaborate. You could do a joint giveaway, a guest post on each other's accounts, or even create a limited-edition product together. Get creative! The key is to ensure that the collaboration provides value to both parties and their audiences. 

Always measure the results of your collaborations. Track metrics like follower growth, engagement rate, and even sales if applicable. This data will help you refine your collaboration strategy over time. 

6. Run Contests and Giveaways

Who doesn't love free stuff? Contests and giveaways can be a powerful tool in your Instagram growth strategy toolkit. They can help you gain followers, boost engagement, and create buzz around your brand. 

When planning a giveaway, choose a prize that's relevant to your brand and desirable to your target audience. The entry requirements should align with your goals. For example, if you want to grow your followers, make following your account a requirement for entry. 

Be sure to follow Instagram's promotion guidelines and any relevant laws. Always include terms and conditions, and be transparent about how winners will be chosen. 

Pro tip: partner with complementary brands for your giveaway. This can help you reach a wider audience and offer a more valuable prize package.

Want to get paid for hosting giveaways? If so, you might want to check out our post about securing brand deals.

7. Utilize Cross-Platform Promotion

Don't put all your eggs in one basket! While Instagram is fantastic, it shouldn't be your only focus. Cross-platform promotion can significantly boost your Instagram growth. 

Share your Instagram posts on other social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Include links to your Instagram account on your website and blog. You could even create a pop-up encouraging website visitors to follow you on Instagram. 

Offline promotion can work wonders too. If you have a physical store, display your Instagram handle prominently. Attending an event? Include your Instagram handle on your business cards or booth display.

Don't forget about email marketing!

Include your latest Instagram posts in your newsletters, or run an email campaign specifically to grow your Instagram following.

However, don't sleep on the importance of building your email list. While building Instagram growth is great, if you're really looking for a way to grow your business, you need to find every excuse possible to get people over to your email sign up form! Because here's the thing that not enough people talk about - you don't own your Instagram followers. Nope, not a single one.

But if you can convince your new found Instagram following to join your email list, well, you can take them with you anywhere. No algorithm required!

Learn more about how to create an email newsletter. 

Measure and Analyze Your Instagram Growth Results

You can't improve what you don't measure! Regularly analyzing your Instagram metrics is crucial for refining your strategy and achieving sustainable growth.

Key metrics to track include follower growth rate, engagement rate, reach, and impressions. Don't just focus on vanity metrics like follower count – engagement is often a much better indicator of a healthy, growing account. 

Use Instagram Insights and third-party analytics tools to dig deep into your data. Look for patterns in your top-performing posts. What type of content resonates most with your audience? When do your posts get the most engagement? Are there certain posts that cause a surge in folks hitting the "unfollow" button? 

Set realistic growth goals and benchmarks based on your data to attract more Instagram users to your page. Remember, steady, sustainable growth is better than a sudden influx of followers who aren't truly interested in your content. 

Never Buy Instagram Followers!

We know you might be tempted by those Instagram ads promising thousands of followers for just a few bucks, but trust us – it's a trap!

When you buy Instagram followers, your numbers might spike initially, but those fake followers will drop off faster than you can say "Instagram algorithm." Worse yet, they'll tank your engagement rates, making your account look suspicious to both real users and Instagram itself.

Remember, quality trumps quantity every time. One engaged, loyal follower is worth a thousand bots. Plus, Instagram is getting smarter by the day at detecting fake followers. Do you really want to risk getting your account suspended?

So, step away from that "Buy Followers" button! Stick to organic growth strategies like the seven we shared above. They might take more time and effort, but the results? Totally worth it.

If you're really itching to grow your Instagram following, you could consider Instagram ads to drive traffic to your profile. However, we believe slow and steady growth is the better route to improving your follower count over time. This way you'll at least have Instagram users that will actually engage with what you post on Instagram - best thing for everyone.

Supercharge Your Instagram Growth Strategy with Castmagic

We've shared so many ideas for Instagram growth throughout this post, but we can't part ways without sharing just one more - Have you heard of Castmagic? If not, you should check it out if you're hoping to gain more Instagram followers. This innovative AI-backed platform can take your Instagram strategy to new heights! 

Are you struggling to come up with fresh content ideas? Lost about which hashtags to add to your Instagram captions? Castmagic's AI-powered content generation can help you create engaging captions and post ideas that resonate with your audience. No more staring at a blank screen! 

If you're repurposing podcast or video content for Instagram, Castmagic is a lifesaver. Its transcription feature ensures accurate Instagram captions for your Reels or IGTV videos, making your content more accessible and engaging. Our platform can even help you draft scripts for new Instagram reels! 

Consistency is key on Instagram, and Castmagic helps you maintain a regular posting schedule by streamlining your content creation process. You'll be able to produce high-quality, varied content more efficiently than ever before. 

Ready to revolutionize your Instagram growth strategy and give your Instagram analytics a healthy boost? Give Castmagic a try and watch your engagement soar!

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