
Getting TikTok Famous - The Best Hashtags for TikTok Videos

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Most people know that hashtags on social media help you boost your visibility. TikTok videos are no exception. Videos with hashtags gain a lot more views on average compared to videos without them. Because of this, some people believe that hashtags are the ticket to skyrocketing your TikTok fame! But there are two burning questions on every aspiring TikTok star's mind:  

1. How many hashtags should I use on TikTok to maximize my chances of going viral? 

2. Which hashtags are best for TikTok?

If you want the answers to these questions and many others, keep reading!

How Many Hashtags Should You Use on TikTok to Maximize Views? 

One of the most common questions we see online is, "What's the ideal number of hashtags to use per TikTok video?" While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, our analysis of top-performing TikTok videos, and other articles on this very subject, found that between three and five well-chosen, relevant hashtags hit the sweet spot.  

Using the right amount of targeted hashtags can dramatically boost your TikTok views and discoverability. But be careful not to overdo it! Stuffing your description with too many hashtags not only looks spammy, it can actually hurt your video's performance.   

The key is to mix a couple of high-volume, trending hashtags with between two and three hyper specific (i.e. niched down) ones. This helps you reach a broad audience while still attracting viewers who are most likely to engage with your content.  

Not sure which hashtags to pick for optimal results? Tools like Castmagic's Magic Chat feature can act as a hashtag generator for your content.

Revealing the Truth: Do Hashtags Actually Work on TikTok?

One of the most common questions in the TikTok creator community is whether hashtags actually make a difference. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. While some creators report massive view spikes after adding hashtags, others see little to no impact.  

So what gives? The key lies in the specific TikTok hashtags you use and how you use them. Not all popular hashtags are created equal - some are far more popular and likely to go viral than others. And using too many hashtags or irrelevant ones can actually hurt your performance. 

To give yourself the best hashtags chance of success, focus on finding that perfect blend of trending and niche-specific hashtags. Trending hashtags (think #fypage, #recipe, #quotes etc.) can help you ride the wave of popular topics and get your content in front of a huge audience.  

But since everyone is using those trending TikTok hashtags, competition is fierce. That's where niche hashtags come in. By sprinkling in a few ultra-targeted, topic-specific tags (like #veganmealprep or #indiedeveloper), you can attract viewers who are genuinely interested in your unique content. 

The key is to stay on top of the latest hashtag trends while also keeping a pulse on your specific corner of TikTok. Pay attention to what tags are popping off in your own feed, check out what your favorite creators are using, and don't be afraid to experiment. A great place to start is the TikTok Creative Center. With a business account on TikTok, the platform actually tells you which hashtags have been trending over the last 7, 30, and 120 days! 

Over time, you'll start to develop a knack for identifying high-performing hashtags. Certain tags will consistently get you more views, likes, and followers - those are the ones you'll want to use again and again.  

The bottom line? Hashtags CAN work wonders for your TikTok success - but only if you use them strategically. Focus on finding that perfect mix of broad and targeted tags, stay up-to-date on the latest trends, and don't be afraid to experiment until you find your sweet spot.

Related: Check out these TikTok user statistics for success!

Settling The TikTok Hashtag Debate: Should You Even Bother Using Them?

With all this focus on TikTok hashtags, you might be wondering, are they really necessary? Can't you just let your amazing content speak for itself? 

Here's the deal. While it's true that TikTok's algorithm looks at many ranking signals beyond just hashtags, including video completion rate, shares, comments, and more, hashtags still play an important role in surfacing your videos to potential fans. 

Think of hashtags like a secret passageway for your content to reach viewers who would have never found you otherwise. When users search for a hashtag or engage with tagged videos, TikTok takes note and may start showing your content to people with similar interests.

Hashtags are especially impactful when:

- You're just starting out on TikTok and need that initial discovery boost 

- You're jumping on a trending hashtag or participating in a viral challenge

- You want to attract viewers in a specific niche or interest group

Of course, not every single TikTok video necessarily needs hashtags. If you've already built a large, engaged following, your content may have enough momentum to gain traction organically.  

One way to see how much impact hashtags have for your unique content is to run an A/B test. Post two similar videos, one with hashtags and one without, and compare key metrics like views, likes, shares, etc. Look at your TikTok analytics in your business dashboard to track your hashtag experiments and view results.

Related: Learn how to use TikTok for business. 

Cracking the TikTok Algorithm: How the Platform Uses Hashtags

To really understand the power of TikTok hashtags, it helps to know a bit about how TikTok's infamous algorithm works under the hood.  

While the specifics are kept under lock and key, we do know that TikTok's For You page algorithm is scary good at understanding each user's interests and serving them hyper-relevant content. It looks at signals like which videos you've watched all the way through, what content you engage with, who you follow, and more. 

But one of the key ways TikTok categorizes and surfaces relevant content is, you guessed it, hashtags! When you add hashtags to a video, you're giving TikTok important context about what your post is about. The algorithm then uses this hashtag data to determine what other videos and viewers might be a good match. 

As TikTok explains, it’s not just about the hashtags. It’s also about user interactions, video captions, device settings and so much more.

In one of their 2020 news reports TikTok said, “All these factors are processed by our recommendation system and weighted based on their value to a user. A strong indicator of interest, such as whether a user finishes watching a longer video from beginning to end, would receive greater weight than a weak indicator, such as whether the video's viewer and creator are both in the same country.” 

However, hashtags can play a pivotal role. Therefore, it's important to stay up to date on any tweaks to TikTok's algorithm that could impact your hashtag strategy. We highly recommend signing up for a business account on TikTok and tracking the trending hashtags on TikTok as well as TikTok’s keyword insights.

The Anatomy of High-Performing TikTok Hashtags

So, what exactly makes for an effective, high-performing TikTok hashtag? Let's break it down: 

- Relevance: This one might seem obvious, but it's important! Choose hashtags that accurately describe your video's topic, niche, and theme. If your video has nothing to do with the hashtag, not only will you attract the wrong audience, TikTok may ding you for irrelevant tags. 

- Popularity: While niche hashtags can help you connect with a specific interest group, it's a good idea to also include one or two popular hashtags (think 100K+ views). These give you that broad reach and help you ride the wave of trending topics. 

- Engagement: Take a look at the engagement rates and view-to-like ratios of top videos for each hashtag. You want to choose tags where people are actively viewing and interacting with content, not just scrolling by.   

- Specificity: As a general rule of thumb, the more specific and targeted the hashtag, the more likely you are to reach your ideal viewer. So rather than just using #fitness, drill down to #HIITworkout or #homeworkouts. 

- Uniqueness: Ever heard of a "shadow ban"? Using banned or flagged hashtags can get your content suppressed, even if you had no ill-intent. TikTok is also cracking down on content that piggybacks on unrelated trending hashtags. To stay in the clear, focus on unique, relevant tags. 

The magic really happens when you find that perfect alchemy of ultra-relevant niche tags and strategically chosen popular hashtags.

Level up Your TikTok Growth with these Proven Hashtag Tips

Ready to put all this hashtag knowledge to work and start raking in those TikTok views? Here are some of our favorite pro tips to keep in mind: 

1. Switch up your hashtag placement. While your first hashtag will be the hyperlinked one, you can sprinkle relevant tags throughout your video description for added context.

2. Create a branded hashtag for your channel. Encourage followers to post videos with your unique tag and share the best ones to your page.  

3. Save hashtag collections. Curate groups of high-performing tags you can mix-and-match for different topics.  

4. Follow the latest hashtag trends. From #RushTok to #FoodTok, pay attention to niche hashtags on the rise.

5. Hop on trending challenges and topics. Participating in of-the-moment conversations is a great way to score that viral hit.

6. Use Castmagic and other tools to generate hashtags for improved performance. Then, keep an eye on your personalized insights within your TikTok business dashboard to determine which tags are working hardest for your content.

With these tips in hand, you'll be well on your way to achieving hashtag mastery! And, we’re offering a free trial of Castmagic. Try it today and start repurposing your long form audio and video content, and coming up with better hashtags for your short form content to boot. Grab your free trial here.

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