
20 Best AI Tools for Email: Save Time and Increase Productivity

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Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of emails? You're not alone! Email management can become an absolute nightmare for both the sender and the receiver. The average office worker sends a staggering 40 emails per day. That's a lot of time spent reading, sorting, and responding to messages.

But what if I told you there's a way to tame your inbox and reclaim hours of your day? Below, we'll dive into the best AI tools for email! Whether you're using Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, or some other email tool, we're sure we have something that might help you! 

Understanding AI Tools for Email

Let's begin by breaking down what we mean by "AI tools for email." These are sophisticated software applications that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist with various aspects of email management. From composing messages to organizing your inbox, these tools are designed to make your life easier. 

Key features of AI email assistants often include:

- Smart composition and reply suggestions

- Automatic email categorization and prioritization

- Scheduling and follow-up automation

- Advanced search and retrieval capabilities

- Sentiment analysis and tone adjustment 

The beauty of using AI for email is that it learns from your habits and preferences over time, becoming more personalized and effective the more you use it. It's like having a super-smart personal assistant dedicated to your inbox! 

Top AI Tools for Streamlining Your Inbox

Now, let's explore some of the most powerful ways AI is helping with emails. We've broken it down into four key areas where the best AI tools are making a big impact.

Smart Email Composition Assistants

Writing emails can be time-consuming, especially when you're trying to strike the right tone or convey complex information. That's where AI generated software and email writing tools come in handy. These clever assistants can help you draft emails faster and more effectively. 

When looking for an AI email composition tool, keep an eye out for features like: 

- Context-aware suggestions (i.e. suggesting subject lines based on your email body copy)

- Tone and style adjustment for generated emails

- Grammar and spell-checking

- Multi-language support 

The benefits of using AI for email drafting are huge. Not only can you write emails faster, but you can also improve the quality of your communication. Using AI writing tools can help ensure your messages are clear, professional, and tailored to your recipient. 

Some top-notch email composition AI tools can even generate entire email drafts based on a few keywords or bullet points. Other email assistants excel at providing smart reply suggestions, making it easy to respond to messages quickly and appropriately. 

Examples of Intelligent Smart Email Composition Assistants 

1. Grammarly: An AI-powered writing assistant that not only checks grammar and spelling but also suggests improvements in style, tone, and clarity for your emails and other written content. 

2. Crystal: An AI tool that analyzes recipients' personalities and communication styles to provide tailored suggestions for composing more effective and personalized emails. 

3. Gmail Smart Compose: A built-in feature in Gmail that uses machine learning to predict and suggest complete sentences as you type, helping you compose emails more quickly.

Pro Tip: Be sure to set your language with the Gmail Smart Compose to ensure your grammar and spelling are both checked while writing.

The reason this is so important is that if you're drafting in a specific dialect of your language (i.e. British English vs. United States English), words will be flagged grammatically incorrect when they might not actually be.

4. Flowrite: An AI writing tool that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails, allowing you to compose professional emails in seconds based on your intent. One reason people love Flowrite is that you can generate emails across your browser.

5. Lavender: An AI-powered email assistant that helps sales professionals write more effective emails by providing real-time writing suggestions, personalization tips, and engagement insights.

Pro Tip: If you do use an AI email writing tool, always double check the output before blindly sending it off to your receiver! And, add personalized touches wherever you can.

Intelligent Email Sorting and Prioritization

If you've ever wished your inbox could organize itself, these AI assistants will save the day! With AI-powered email sorting tools, it's easy to make quick work of getting down to inbox zero. These smart assistants can automatically categorize your emails, highlight important messages, and even predict which emails you're likely to need soon. 

Key features to look for in AI email sorting tools include: 

- Automatic labeling and folder organization

- Priority inbox creation

- Spam and promotional email filtering

- Smart bundling of related emails (i.e. sales emails, promotional messages, free trial users, etc...) 

By using AI as a personalized assistant to organize and prioritize your emails, you can focus on what's truly important without getting bogged down in inbox clutter. Some of the best email organization AI assistants can even learn from your behavior, adapting their sorting algorithms to match your unique preferences and work style. 

Examples of Top AI Tools for Streamlining Your Inbox

1. Superhuman: A premium email client that uses AI to provide features like email tracking, scheduled sending, and smart sorting to help users achieve "inbox zero." 

2. SaneBox: An AI-powered email management tool that automatically sorts your emails, filters out distractions, and provides smart features like one-click unsubscribe and follow-up reminders. 

3. Spark: An intelligent email client that uses AI to categorize emails, provide smart notifications, and offer collaborative features for teams. 

4. Astro: An AI-powered email client (now part of Slack) that uses machine learning to prioritize emails, manage your calendar, and provide insights into your email habits. 

5. Front: A collaborative email platform that uses AI to help teams manage shared inboxes, automate workflows, and provide analytics for customer communication.

AI-Powered Email Scheduling and Follow-ups

Timing is everything in email marketing and communication, and AI tools are here to help you nail it. AI-powered scheduling and follow-up tools can optimize when your emails are sent and ensure important conversations don't fall through the cracks.

For example, let's say you're a new sales agent for a VoIP application. When you send cold emails, it would be helpful to have an AI assistant for following up to see if your sales prospects have any interest in your pitch.

Benefits of using AI for email scheduling and follow-ups include: 

- Increased email open and response rates

- Reduced time spent on manual follow-ups

- Improved relationship management

- Consistency in communication

Look for tools that offer features like:

- Smart send-time optimization

- AI email writing that generates the bulk of the email copy for you

- Automated follow-up sequences

- Integration with your calendar for scheduling

- Customizable reminder settings

Some of the best AI tools in this category can even analyze the content of your emails, and suggest optimal times for follow-ups based on the urgency and nature of the conversation. 

Examples of AI-Powered Email Scheduling and Follow-ups

1. Mixmax: An email productivity tool that uses AI to suggest optimal email send times and automate sequences for your follow up emails.

2. Mailshake: An AI-powered email outreach platform that helps schedule emails, automate follow-ups, and optimize sending times for better engagement. 

3. An email productivity tool that uses AI to remind you about important emails that need follow-up and helps schedule future email sends. Perfect for following up on cold emails and even warm sales emails.

4. Rebump: An automated email marketing follow-up tool that uses AI to send tailored follow-up messages at optimal times to increase response rates.

5. Yesware: A sales engagement platform with AI-powered sales email scheduling and follow-up features, including send time optimization and automated sequences.

Related: What is Marketing Automation? Find out here

Advanced Email Analytics with AI

Knowledge is power, and AI-powered email analytics tools are giving us more insight into our email habits than ever before. These tools can track a wide range of metrics and provide valuable insights to help you improve your email communication. 

Key metrics and insights provided by AI email analytics often include: 

- Response rates and times

- Email sentiment analysis

- Subject line performance

- Engagement patterns

By leveraging AI for email analytics, you can identify trends, optimize your communication strategies, and measure the effectiveness of your emails. Some tools even offer predictive analytics, helping you forecast future email trends and adjust your strategies accordingly. 

Examples of Some of the Best AI Tools for Advanced Email Analytics

1. Gmelius: An email collaboration platform that provides AI-powered analytics to track email performance, team productivity, and customer interactions. Perfect for ensuring your professional emails are hitting the mark.

2. EmailAnalytics: A comprehensive email analytics tool that uses AI to provide insights into email habits, response times, and team productivity. 

3. Litmus: An email marketing platform with AI-powered analytics that helps optimize email campaigns by providing insights into subscriber engagement and email client usage. 

4. Seventh Sense: An AI-powered email optimization tool that analyzes subscriber behavior to determine the best time to send emails for maximum engagement. 

5. Keap: A CRM and email marketing platform that uses AI to provide advanced analytics on email performance, customer behavior, and campaign effectiveness.

Integrating AI Email Tools into Your Workflow

Now that we've explored the amazing capabilities of AI email tools, you might be wondering how to start using them effectively. Here are some steps to help you integrate these tools into your workflow: 

1. Assess your needs: Identify which aspects of email management are most challenging for you. For example, do you need an AI email writer to help you generate content? Or do you just need help checking the grammar before you send out your emails?

2. Research and select tools: Based on your needs, choose AI email tools that offer the features you require. Try the various tools before you commit when possible. Many AI email writing tools offer free trials so you can kick the tires first.

3. Start small: Begin by implementing one or two AI email management features at a time to avoid overwhelming yourself. Maybe try generating better subject lines, and then work your way up to AI email writing that does the bulk of the work for you.

4. Customize settings: Take time to personalize the AI tools to match your preferences and work style. Whatever writing tool or email AI assistant you choose, there should be an option to update your settings in some way. For example, with ChatGPT you can give it custom prompts and teach it your brand voice.

Related: Check out our post featuring more than 150 ChatGPT prompts to use with the OpenAI platform!

5. Train the AI: Many AI tools improve with use, so you may need to be patient and consistent in your usage. As a writing tool learns your voice for example, it can give you better outputs.

6. Review and adjust: Regularly assess the effectiveness of the AI tools and make adjustments as needed. You might only need an AI assistant in the busy months of your business. However, your team might come to rely heavily on a writing tool over time. Just check in with them and see what they are looking for so you can create a personalized workflow for your business. 

Remember, the goal with email writing, analytics, and follow up tools, is to make your life easier, not more complicated. Don't be afraid to experiment with different AI writing tools and various software until you find the perfect fit for your needs.

The Future of AI in Email Communication

Exciting times are ahead in the world of AI and email! As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative features and capabilities for our inboxes and outboxes. Some emerging trends to watch for include: 

- Natural language processing for even more human-like interactions

- Advanced personalization based on deep learning algorithms

- Integration with other productivity tools for seamless workflows

- Enhanced security features powered by AI 

The potential impact on productivity and communication efficiency is enormous. As AI becomes more sophisticated, we may see a future where managing email is no longer a chore but a seamless, almost effortless part of our day.

Choosing the Right AI Email Tool for Your Needs

With so many AI email tools available, how do you choose the right one? Here are some factors to consider: 

- Compatibility with your existing email platform (i.e. does it play well with Gmail and Outlook?)

- Specific features that address your pain points

- User interface and ease of use

- Privacy and security measures

- Cost and pricing structure

- Integration capabilities with other tools you use 

Our advice? Take advantage of free trials when available. There's no better way to evaluate an AI email tool than by testing it out in your own workflow. Pay attention to how intuitive the tool feels and whether it truly saves you time and effort.

Embracing AI for Email Productivity

If you take nothing else from our post, here’s the bottom line: AI tools for email have the power to transform the way we work, saving us time and helping us communicate more effectively. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed by your inbox, we encourage you to explore some of the AI email assistants we've discussed. Start small, experiment with different tools, and see how they can enhance your productivity. The future of email management is here – it's time to embrace it! 

Remember, the goal isn't to replace human communication, but to enhance it. With AI as your email ally, you can focus on what really matters: building relationships, solving problems, and driving your business forward.

Related: Read our post about improving your business workflow. 

How Castmagic Complements Your AI Email Strategy

Speaking of enhancing communication, let us introduce you to Castmagic – an AI-powered content generation platform that can take your email game to the next level. While not specifically an email tool, Castmagic's capabilities can significantly boost your email marketing and newsletter efforts. 

Castmagic uses advanced AI to generate high-quality content based on your audio or video input. This means you can easily create engaging email templates, newsletter content, or even personalized email sequences without spending hours writing from scratch. 

When you use Castmagic alongside your AI email tools, you're creating a powerful content strategy that saves time and improves engagement. Imagine turning your podcast episodes or team meetings into compelling email content with just a few clicks! 

Here are just a few of the benefits of incorporating Castmagic into your email workflow: 

- Consistent, high-quality content for your email campaigns

- Time savings on content creation

- Diverse content ideas generated from your existing audio/video material

- Seamless integration with your existing email marketing tools

So, as you explore the world of AI tools for email, don't forget to check out how Castmagic can complement and enhance your email content strategy. It's the perfect addition to your AI-powered productivity toolkit!

Ready to revolutionize your email management and content creation? Dive into the world of AI email tools, and give Castmagic a try!

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