Vivian Tu

Financial Literacy Advocate & Founder of Your Rich BFF



Online Educator



Brand Influencer

About Vivian Tu

Vivian Tu is a dynamic and influential figure in education, finance, and digital content creation. With a unique blend of expertise across these diverse fields, Vivian has established herself as a thought leader dedicated to empowering individuals through knowledge and practical advice. A former Wall Street professional, she combines her financial acumen with an approachable style, making complex economic concepts accessible to everyday people.

As the founder of Your Rich BFF, Vivian leverages various platforms including social media and her podcast to demystify personal finance topics such as saving strategies, investment basics, and wealth-building techniques. Her engaging content resonates with audiences from all walks of life who are eager to take control of their financial futures but may find traditional resources intimidating or unrelatable.

Vivian's commitment extends beyond just providing information; she fosters a community where open dialogue about money management is encouraged and celebrated. By simplifying jargon-laden terms and offering real-world applications, she bridges the gap between financial literacy and practical implementation.

Elevating voices that are frequently underrepresented in financial discussions is also central to her mission. Through partnerships with educational organizations and public speaking engagements around the globe—including keynote speeches at major conferences—Vivian works tirelessly to make personal finance not only understandable but also inclusive for everyone.

Fun Facts About Vivian Tu

  1. Vivian Tu earned her degree in Environmental Studies and Public Policy with a focus on Finance from the University of Chicago. Source
  2. Prior to founding Your Rich BFF, Vivian Tu worked as a trader at J.P. Morgan and served as a Strategy Sales Partner at BuzzFeed. Source
  3. Vivian Tu has collaborated with major brands like Credit Karma, MetLife, and Invesco, leveraging her platform to promote financial education and tools to help people manage their money better. Source

Quotes by Vivian Tu

  1. "Make a quick switch from a traditional savings account to a high-yield savings account."
  2. “A tiny piece of me is secretly really happy that the 'buy crypto' 15-year-olds from last year, are now the 'bye crypto' basement trolls of this year. The market really does regulate itself. Crypto should be 1-5% of your portfolio. Not the entire thing.”
  3. “Women need to start investing PRONTO. One way to empower yourself is through investing in your financial freedom. Don't let them try to your control pockets too.”

Vivian Tu's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 2,600,000 0.99% 26,000 591
TikTok 2,500,000 0.20% 5,100 142
YouTube 797,000 0.49% 3,900 77
Twitter 3,100 0.06% 2 1
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Vivian Tu's Topics & Themes



Personal Improvement

Personal Finance




About Vivian Tu's Audience

Vivian's ability to break down intricate financial topics into digestible, relatable pieces makes her accessible to a broad spectrum of people looking to improve their financial literacy and achieve greater economic stability. Her primary audiences include:

  1. Young Professionals: Many young adults in their 20s and 30s connect with Vivian’s content as they navigate the early stages of their careers and seek advice on budgeting, saving, investing, and managing student loans.
  2. Students: High school and college students gravitate towards her simplified explanations of complex financial concepts that are often not covered in traditional education systems but are crucial for future financial stability.
  3. Women: As an advocate for female empowerment in finance, Vivian appeals strongly to women looking for guidance in taking charge of their financial futures and overcoming the gender-specific challenges they may face.
  4. Minority Communities: Vivian's dedication to inclusivity ensures she reaches minority groups who have historically been underrepresented or overlooked by mainstream financial advice channels.
  5. Beginner Investors: Individuals new to investing find her straightforward tips invaluable when navigating the intimidating world of stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, and other investment vehicles.

Contact Vivian Tu via Email

Vivian Tu's Social Media Links

Platforms That Vivian Tu Is Active On








Featured Content from Vivian Tu

Vivian Tu: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why we love Vivian Tu's video on the habits of self-made millionaires:

  1. Engaging introduction: Vivian starts the video by sharing her personal experience of becoming a millionaire by age 27, piquing the viewer's interest and establishing her credibility on the topic. She also debunks the notion of get-rich-quick schemes, setting realistic expectations for the audience.
  2. Numbered lessons: The five key lessons are presented in a numbered format, making it easy for viewers to follow along and remember the main points. This structure also allows for easy referencing when revisiting the content.
  3. Relatable context: Vivian provides context on the financial challenges faced by millennials and Gen Z, such as the impact of economic crises and rising costs of living. This helps the audience relate to the content and understand the importance of the lessons shared.
  4. Supporting data and statistics: Throughout the video, Vivian incorporates relevant statistics, such as the percentage of millionaires who are self-made, to support her points and add credibility to the content. This data-driven approach helps the audience trust the information being shared.
  5. Practical advice and examples: Each lesson is accompanied by practical advice and examples that illustrate how millionaires apply these habits in their lives. For instance, Vivian explains how millionaires focus on increasing their income rather than cutting back on small expenses, and how they invest to generate passive income.
  6. Personal anecdotes: Vivian shares personal observations and experiences, such as the difference in discipline and delayed gratification between her millionaire and non-millionaire friends. These anecdotes make the content more relatable and engaging for the audience.
  7. Strong conclusion and call-to-action: Vivian concludes the video by emphasizing that millionaires are not inherently special but rather live their lives more strategically. She encourages viewers to adopt these habits and subscribe for more finance tips, leaving them with a clear call-to-action and a sense of empowerment.

How to Create Content Like Vivian Tu

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Vivian Tu's video on secrets of self-made millionaires:

  1. Target a common financial aspiration: Becoming a self-made millionaire is a dream for many people, especially millennials and Gen Z. By providing advice on how to achieve this sought-after status, you tap into a large potential audience hungry for this information.
  2. Debunk myths and offer data-backed insights: Vivian Tu challenges common assumptions, like millionaires just getting lucky or inheriting wealth. She cites studies showing most are actually self-made. Busting myths and sharing surprising data captures attention and positions you as a knowledgeable authority.
  3. Distill the secrets into actionable habits: Rather than just motivational fluff, Vivian Tu breaks down exactly what separates millionaire mindsets and habits, like focusing more on increasing income vs. scrimping on small purchases. Giving viewers these specific, implementable takeaways makes the advice practical and valuable.
  4. Speak from experience and results: As someone who achieved millionaire status by 27, Vivian Tu has credibility on the topic. She references her own journey and observations among millionaire friends. Leveraging your unique experience and social proof makes your insights more authentic and persuasive.
  5. Keep it engaging with a bold claim and clear structure: Vivian Tu's title makes the bold promise of sharing "5 actual habits" that aren't "clickbait." She then delivers on this by organizing the video into 5 clear lessons. This approach hooks viewers by setting expectations and fulfills them with a tight, easy-to-follow structure.
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