Marie Forleo

Founder of B-School, Host of MarieTV, and Author of 'Everything Is Figureoutable'






Life Coach

Online Educator

About Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is a trailblazer in the world of personal development and entrepreneurship. Recognized for her dynamic approach to life coaching and business strategy, Marie has made it her mission to help individuals create meaningful change both personally and professionally. 

With a contagious energy and unwavering optimism, she has built a global brand through her award-winning show MarieTV, her self-titled podcast, and her online course, B-School. Her best-selling book, Everything is Figureoutable, encapsulates Marie's philosophy that any obstacle can be overcome with the right mindset.

Drawing from diverse experiences in fitness, finance, publishing, and digital media, Marie offers practical advice that resonates deeply across varied audiences. She’s been named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and has inspired millions worldwide to pursue their dreams passionately while staying true to themselves.

Fun Facts About Marie Forleo

  1. Before her digital empire, Marie Forleo worked as a trading assistant on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, a bartender, and a fitness and dance instructor. Source
  2. Marie Forleo's B-School has empowered more than 80,000 entrepreneurs from over 650 industries and 171 countries and territories in building their ideal businesses and achieving long-term financial freedom. Source
  3. In May 2024, Marie Forleo launched Dream Club, a lifestyle-focused program that combines actionable business strategies with a supportive community, aiming to help creatives achieve financial freedom, personal joy, and holistic success while fostering connection and growth. Source

Quotes by Marie Forleo

  1. “The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself.”
  2. “Remember, every pro was first an amateur. Start your dream now.” 
  3. “True fulfillment in life doesn’t come from what we get, it comes from what we give."

Marie Forleo's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 868,000 0.25% 2,200 144
TikTok 39,000 0.22% 88 1
YouTube 965,000 0.03% 293 18
Twitter 212,300 0.01% 17 1
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Marie Forleo's Topics & Themes






About Marie Forleo's Audience

Marie Forleo attracts a diverse audience that spans various demographics, united by a common desire for personal and professional growth. Here are some key types of audiences she resonates with:

  1. Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Individuals looking to start or scale their own businesses find her practical advice on business strategy invaluable.
  2. Corporate Professionals: Employees seeking career advancement or contemplating a career shift benefit from her comprehensive guidance on skills development and goal setting.
  3. Personal Development Enthusiasts: Those interested in self-improvement and cultivating a positive mindset look to Marie for inspiration and actionable tips.
  4. Women in Business: As a successful female entrepreneur, Marie serves as a role model for women striving to make their mark in the business world.
  5. Life Coaches & Mentors: Fellow life coaches and mentors seek out her insights on effective coaching techniques and building robust client relationships.

Contact Marie Forleo via Email

Marie Forleo's Social Media Links

Platforms That Marie Forleo Is Active On








Featured Content from Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why we love Marie Forleo's video on forgiveness:

  1. Engaging introduction: Marie Forleo opens the video with a lighthearted, personal greeting that immediately draws the viewer in. She then introduces the topic of forgiveness by reading a question from a viewer, which helps to establish relevance and connection with the audience.
  2. Clear problem statement: The viewer's question highlights the common struggle of forgiving someone while still feeling distrustful. This sets the stage for Marie to address the problem and provide practical advice.
  3. Distinction between forgiveness and trust: Marie Forleo emphasizes a key point — that forgiveness and trust are separate issues. This helps viewers understand that they can forgive someone without necessarily trusting them or keeping them in their life, which is an important realization for many.
  4. Inspiring examples: By citing powerful examples of forgiveness, such as Louie Zamperini and the families of the Charleston shooting victims, Marie Forleo puts the viewer's situation into perspective and demonstrates the transformative power of forgiveness.
  5. Two-step process: Marie Forleo breaks down the forgiveness process into two clear steps: forgiving yourself and forgiving the other person. This makes the concept more actionable and less overwhelming for viewers.
  6. Emphasis on personal growth: Throughout the video, Marie Forleo frames forgiveness as a gift to oneself and an opportunity for personal growth. This positive perspective encourages viewers to embrace forgiveness for their own benefit.
  7. Practical tips and mantras: Marie Forleo offers a simple mantra ("While I don't know how, I am willing to forgive") and encourages viewers to ask for guidance. These practical tips provide viewers with a starting point and help them feel more empowered to begin the forgiveness process.
  8. Tweetable takeaway: The inclusion of a tweetable quote ("Forgiveness isn't a weakness, it's the ultimate sign of courage and strength") reinforces the main message and encourages viewers to share the wisdom with others.
  9. Engaging conclusion: Marie Forleo wraps up the video by inviting viewers to share their own experiences and insights in the comments. This fosters a sense of community and encourages further discussion and learning.

How to Create Content Like Marie Forleo

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Marie Forleo's video on forgiveness:

  1. Choose an emotionally resonant, universal topic: Forgiveness is something that impacts everyone's life at some point. By addressing a common internal struggle like this, you tap into a shared human experience that many people will relate to.
  2. Provide a helpful framework to approach the issue: Rather than just discussing forgiveness conceptually, Marie offers a 2-step process to actually practice it. Giving viewers this type of actionable guidance makes the advice more concrete and easier to implement.
  3. Illustrate points with real examples: Marie references well-known figures like Nelson Mandela and events like the Charleston church shooting to exemplify incredible acts of forgiveness. Using recognizable, powerful examples helps underscore the message.
  4. Infuse your personality into the delivery: Marie's signature warmth, humor, and casual tone make the heavy subject matter engaging and approachable. Letting your natural charisma shine through helps viewers connect with you as a trusted source of advice.
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