Lisa A. Romano

Codependency Recovery Expert & Bestselling Author

Life Coach


Online Educator



Motivational Speaker

About Lisa A. Romano

Lisa A. Romano is a renowned life coach, bestselling author, and expert in the field of personal development and emotional healing. With a compelling personal story marked by overcoming childhood trauma and codependency, Lisa has dedicated her life to helping others find their way from pain to empowerment. She offers transformative coaching programs, such as Master Your Reality and Soul School, that provide practical tools for individuals seeking to break free from limiting beliefs and unhealthy relationship patterns. 

Known for her compassionate approach and insightful wisdom, Lisa's work extends through various mediums, including books, online courses, workshops, and an active social media presence where she regularly shares inspiring content. Her profound understanding of the human psyche combined with actionable strategies enables clients worldwide to reclaim their self-worth and lead authentic lives filled with purpose. Whether through one-on-one coaching or group sessions, Lisa A. Romano continues to inspire countless individuals on their journey toward mental clarity and emotional freedom.

Fun Facts About Lisa A. Romano

  1. Lisa A. Romano hosts a "Breakdown to Breakthrough" podcast, which focuses on healing from codependency and narcissistic abuse. Source
  2. Lisa A. Roman has written 6 books, including “The Road Back to Me” and “Quantum Tools to Help You Heal Your Life Now.” Source
  3. Lisa A. Romano also offers guided meditations and audio lectures, which topics include setting boundaries, reducing anxiety and obsessive thinking, and connecting with one’s higher self, to name a few. Source

Quotes by Lisa A. Romano

  1. “I know that my negative self-talk isn’t even mine. Negative self-talk is the result of faulty childhood programming. Beneath my conditioning, is this magnificent creature— ME! Today I will hear my negative self talk, and when I do, I will remind myself that it is all a lie!”
  2. “The very nature of the way a being is programmed to think—is codependent upon the rules—ideas—concepts—and notions—that have been manipulated by members of an elite group. This group is quite intelligent and understands that in order to guarantee its hold on the masses—it must first infuse the members of its society with fear.”
  3. “Because no one I ever cared for had reflected a sense of worth back to me, I was cheated out of the ability to “see me” and to value my feelings, all my life long. Ideas”

Lisa A. Romano's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 159,000 0.15% 234 7
TikTok 41,000 0.14% 60 2
YouTube 689,000 0.06% 423 29
Twitter 44,100 0.01% 4 0
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Lisa A. Romano's Topics & Themes




Personal Improvement

Health & Wellness

Mental Health


About Lisa A. Romano's Audience

By addressing the unique needs and struggles of these varied groups through compassionate yet straightforward guidance, Lisa A. Romano has built a broad and supportive community dedicated to mutual healing and empowerment. Here are some specific types of audiences she appeals to:

  1. Codependency Survivors: People who struggle with codependency issues and are looking for guidance in breaking free from unhealthy attachments.
  2. Victims of Narcissistic Abuse: Individuals who have experienced manipulation and psychological abuse at the hands of narcissists often find solace and actionable advice in Lisa A. Romano's content.
  3. Adult Children of Alcoholics: Those who grew up in households affected by addiction frequently connect with her work on overcoming childhood emotional scars.
  4. Individuals Seeking Empowerment: Anyone interested in gaining self-awareness, improving self-esteem, and developing healthy relationship patterns can benefit from Lisa's teachings.
  5. People in Recovery: Whether recovering from addictions or other forms of emotional dysfunctions, her emphasis on mental health resilience resonates deeply with this group.

Contact Lisa A. Romano via Email

Lisa A. Romano's Social Media Links

Platforms That Lisa A. Romano Is Active On







Featured Content from Lisa A. Romano

Lisa A. Romano: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why we appreciate Lisa A. Romano's video on what happens when you reject a narcissist:

  1. Clear context: Lisa A. Romano begins by providing context about her expertise as a breakthrough life coach and her 12-week codependency recovery program. This establishes her credibility and sets the stage for the content that follows.
  2. Key points: Throughout the video, Lisa A. Romano highlights key points about narcissistic behavior, such as love bombing, people-pleasing, and fawning. This helps viewers identify and understand the tactics narcissists employ when rejected.
  3. Personal experiences: Lisa A. Romano shares her own experiences with narcissistic abuse and divorce, which adds a personal touch and makes the content more relatable to viewers who may have gone through similar situations.
  4. Psychological insights: The video explores the psychological aspects of narcissistic behavior, such as their reliance on ego defense mechanisms, fear of vulnerability, and lack of empathy. This helps viewers understand the underlying motives behind a narcissist's actions.
  5. Practical advice: Lisa A. Romano offers practical advice for those dealing with narcissistic abuse, such as educating oneself about narcissism, setting boundaries, and recognizing patterns of behavior. This empowers viewers to take steps towards healing and avoiding future toxic relationships.
  6. Consistent themes: The video maintains consistent themes throughout, such as the importance of self-awareness, the need for boundaries, and the role of codependency in enabling narcissistic behavior. This consistency reinforces the key messages and makes the content more impactful.
  7. Engaging delivery: Lisa A. Romano's conversational tone, use of examples, and clear explanations keep viewers engaged throughout the video. Her passion for the subject matter is evident, which helps to maintain interest and emphasize the importance of the topic.
  8. Encouraging self-reflection: By discussing the traits of codependency and the importance of recognizing negative personality traits in oneself, Lisa A. Romano encourages viewers to engage in self-reflection and personal growth. This adds depth to the content and promotes a more holistic approach to healing.

How to Create Content Like Lisa A. Romano

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Lisa A. Romano's video on what happens when you reject a narcissist:

  1. Tackle a relatable, painful issue: Videos about narcissistic abuse tend to perform well because so many people have suffered from toxic relationships. By addressing the challenges of rejecting a narcissist, Lisa A. Romano taps into her audience's struggles and desire to heal.
  2. Provide specific examples of narcissistic behavior: Rather than speaking generally about narcissism, Lisa A. Romano cites concrete examples like love bombing, character assassination, and playing the victim. Highlighting these real tactics helps viewers identify patterns in their own relationships.
  3. Draw from professional and personal experience: As a life coach specializing in codependency recovery, Lisa A. Romano has unique insight to share. She also opens up about her own journey leaving an abusive marriage. Combining professional tips with vulnerable personal stories builds her credibility and relatability.
  4. Validate the victim's perspective: Lisa A. Romano frequently affirms how difficult and painful it is to reject a narcissist. She empathizes with the guilt, self-doubt and fear victims face. By honoring their experience, she helps them feel understood and empowers them to prioritize their well-being.
  5. Offer actionable recovery strategies: In addition to explaining narcissistic dynamics, Lisa A. Romano shares coping tools like detachment, boundary-setting and education. Providing this practical advice positions her content as a helpful resource and encourages viewers to explore her other offerings.
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