Evan Carmichael

YouTube Creator & Success Coach



Motivational Speaker



About Evan Carmichael

Evan Carmichael is a renowned entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker dedicated to empowering aspiring business leaders around the globe. With a deep-seated passion for helping others achieve their dreams, Evan has built an influential YouTube channel where he shares invaluable advice on entrepreneurship, personal development, and leadership. His best-selling books, Your One Word and Built to Serve provide actionable insights drawn from his own experiences as a successful startup founder who sold his first company in his early twenties.

Evan's work acts as a guiding light for anyone looking to carve out their own path in life. He combines practical wisdom with inspirational stories of remarkable achievers, encouraging people to succeed despite obstacles. Whether through speaking engagements or online content, Evan Carmichael remains committed to spreading positivity and fostering growth in today’s fast-paced world by harnessing the power of belief—both in oneself and one's vision.

Fun Facts About Evan Carmichael

  1. At 19, Evan Carmichael joined Redasoft as COO while still in college, where he developed a biotech software for researchers that quickly grew to serve over 300 organizations, including NASA and Johnson & Johnson, and led to the company’s acquisition in 2002. Source
  2. Transitioning to venture capital after Redasoft, Evan Carmichael worked at Northern Crown Capital, where he leveraged website traffic to aid in raising capital. This inspired him to launch his own site, EvanCarmichael.com. Source
  3. Evan Carmichael offers a free content quiz to help entrepreneurs discover the most effective content strategies for building their brand and business. He also offers the Movement Makers program to help them create impactful content in 30 days and an exclusive in-person “Mastermind” training session to help enhance their brand's recognition and lead generation. Source

Quotes by Evan Carmichael

  1. “Wake up early and tackle the day before it tackles you. Be on offense, not defense.”
  2. “Your head only understands a world that currently exists. It’s designed to keep you safe and to protect you. Your heart wants to make something new, something that has never been created before, something that doesn’t “make sense.”
  3. “It’s much easier to keep the ball rolling compared to making that initial push happen.”

Evan Carmichael's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 408,000 0.88% 3,600 51
TikTok 999,000 0.46% 4,600 64
YouTube 3,900,000 0.01% 199 26
Twitter 196,900 0.00% 6 2
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Evan Carmichael's Topics & Themes



Personal Finance

Personal Improvement



About Evan Carmichael's Audience

​​Evan Carmichael's inclusive approach ensures that he appeals broadly while providing specific guidance tailored to each segment’s unique needs and aspirations. Here are the key segments of his audience:

  1. Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Individuals looking to start their own businesses find Evan’s content especially relevant. His practical tips and motivational stories provide the guidance they need to take the plunge into entrepreneurship.
  2. Small Business Owners: Those already running small businesses turn to Evan for strategies on scaling, improving productivity, and overcoming challenges. His real-world advice helps them navigate the complexities of business ownership.
  3. Personal Development Enthusiasts: People interested in self-improvement and personal growth are drawn to his insights on mindset, goal-setting, and discipline. Evan emphasizes belief in oneself as a key driver for success.
  4. Young Professionals: Career-minded individuals aiming to enhance their leadership skills or transition into entrepreneurial roles appreciate his actionable career advice and inspirational success stories.
  5. Content Creators & Influencers: Fellow YouTubers, bloggers, and social media influencers seek inspiration from Evan's successful online presence and branding techniques.

Contact Evan Carmichael via Email


Evan Carmichael's Social Media Links

Platforms That Evan Carmichael Is Active On








Featured Content from Evan Carmichael

Evan Carmichael: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why Evan Carmichael's "Top 10 Rules for Success" video stands out:

  1. Engaging introduction: Evan Carmichael sets the tone by emphasizing the importance of intentionality and creating an environment that energizes and motivates. This captures the viewer's attention and establishes the video's central theme.
  2. Clear structure: The content is organized into distinct, numbered rules, making it easy for viewers to follow along and grasp the key points. This clear structure helps maintain engagement throughout the video.
  3. Personal anecdotes: Evan Carmichael shares his own experiences and routines, such as his morning ritual of setting intentions and using music to change his state. These personal touches make the advice more relatable and authentic.
  4. Practical tips: Each rule is accompanied by specific, actionable suggestions, like using cell phone reminders, taking intentional breaks, and curating social media feeds. These concrete examples help viewers understand how to apply the principles in their own lives.
  5. Emphasis on mindset: Evan Carmichael stresses the significance of mindset and belief, highlighting how external influences can shape one's self-perception. This insight encourages viewers to take control of their thoughts and surround themselves with positivity.
  6. Real-life examples: The video features real-world examples, such as Evan Carmichael's friend who had to prioritize his time and let go of commitments that no longer aligned with his goals. These examples illustrate the practical application of the rules and make them more memorable.
  7. Consistent messaging: Throughout the video, Evan Carmichael reinforces the importance of intentionality, purpose, and surrounding oneself with positivity. This consistent messaging drives home the key themes and leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
  8. Interaction with guests: Evan Carmichael engages with guests, allowing for different perspectives and experiences to be shared. This interaction adds depth to the content and keeps viewers engaged.
  9. Inspirational tone: The video maintains an inspiring and motivational tone, encouraging viewers to trust their ideas, embrace failure, and continuously grow. This positive tone leaves viewers feeling empowered to take action and make changes in their lives.

How to Create Content Like Evan Carmichael

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Evan Carmichael's "Top 10 Rules for Success" video:

  1. Distill insights from accomplished individuals: Rather than simply sharing his own opinions, Evan Carmichael draws wisdom from the lives of numerous successful entrepreneurs and public figures. Extracting powerful lessons from the experiences of people who have excelled in their fields makes the advice more credible and impactful.
  2. Organize the ideas into a compelling structure: Evan Carmichael presents the insights in a "top 10 rules" framework which makes the video more engaging than if he just shared the ideas haphazardly. Packaging the lessons you want to convey into an organized, easy-to-follow format will make your content more consumable and memorable.
  3. Speak dynamically and share relatable stories: Evan Carmichael communicates the rules with enthusiasm, conviction and a friendly demeanor. He also uses examples and anecdotes from his own life to illustrate the principles he discusses. Connecting with your audience through an animated speaking style and personal stories will make your content more captivating.
  4. Provide clear next steps: In addition to presenting the rules conceptually, Evan Carmichael recommends specific tactics that viewers can implement, such as "feed your mind positivity" by subscribing to inspirational content and "take a weekly 30-minute walk to reflect." Giving your audience concrete action items will empower them to put your ideas into practice.
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