
5 YouTube Description Templates to Get More Views

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Ever feel like your amazing YouTube videos are getting lost in the sea of content? If so, it's understandable because there are so many amazing creators out there pumping out content. They’re all creating amazing YouTube videos, and likely writing stellar YouTube descriptions - all that killer content is competing for your audience's attention. 

Your YouTube description might just be the secret weapon you’ve been overlooking. That's right - that little box below your video can make or break your visibility and engagement.

Even YouTube's own Creator Academy says the description is one of the three elements you should carefully think about with every video you create. Your YouTube description along with the title and thumbnail is what tells viewers what to expect from your video, so it’s gotta be accurate and compelling.

If you want help growing your YouTube channel, keep reading. Below, we'll share several YouTube description templates that'll (hopefully!) have viewers clicking faster than you can say "like and subscribe!" 

Understanding YouTube Description Basics

Okay, let's pump the brakes for just a sec - Before we jump into our killer templates, let's break down what makes a YouTube description amazing. If you want the best chance for success with your YouTube channel, you need to think of your description as your video's best friend. Whether you produce vlogs, tutorials, or niche based videos, your YouTube description is there to hype up your content, give viewers the inside scoop, and make sure YouTube's algorithms are giving you the love you deserve.

Anatomy of a Good YouTube Description

A top-notch YouTube description is akin to a well-oiled machine. Here's what you need for your new videos to really take off:

1. A hook that grabs attention in the first couple of lines

2. Keywords sprinkled throughout (but not stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey)

3. A brief summary of your video content

4. Timestamps for easy navigation (your viewers will thank you!)

5. Links to relevant resources or your other awesome content

6. A clear call-to-action (CTA) that tells viewers exactly what to do next

Aim for around 200-300 words. That's just enough to give YouTube's algorithms plenty to work with. Any longer and you might just start overwhelming your viewers.

It's also worth noting that YouTube limits the number of characters you can use in the YouTube video's description area to 5,000 characters. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid in YouTube Descriptions

Let's learn from the mistakes of YouTubers past. Here are the most common mistakes we see YouTube creators make when writing their YouTube description:

- Keyword stuffing: YouTube's not fooled by this shady tactic, and neither are your viewers. Just tell them what your video is about. Don’t bog down a perfectly good YouTube description with a bunch of keywords that make it clear you’re trying to game the YouTube algorithm! And use keywords that actually represent your video - no one likes clickbait!

- Forgetting to include a CTA: Don't leave your viewers hanging! Your YouTube description is the perfect opportunity to tell your viewers how to get more information about your video topic. And, we highly recommend using it to draw email newsletter subscriptions as well.

- Using irrelevant tags: Stay on topic! Like we said - No one likes a bait and switch. We put together a guide to YouTube tags here if you need help with this.

- Neglecting to update outdated information: Keep your YouTube description fresh! As an example - if your links are no longer working, you’re going to confuse and annoy your audience.

5 YouTube Description Templates to Boost Your Views

Alright, let's get to the good stuff! As promised, below are five templates you can use as description examples to get your videos working harder than a caffeinated squirrel trying to prep for winter!

1. The Comprehensive Content Description Template

This template covers all your bases for most new videos: 

[Attention-grabbing opening sentence about video content]

In this video, you'll learn:

• [Key point 1]

• [Key point 2]

• [Key point 3]

[Brief paragraph expanding on video content]


00:00 - Intro

[Additional timestamps] 

Resources mentioned:

• [Resource 1]: [Link]

• [Resource 2]: [Link]

Subscribe for more [topic] content: [Channel subscription link]

Follow me on social media:

• Instagram: [Link]

• Twitter: [Link] 

#[Relevant hashtag 1] #[Relevant hashtag 2] #[Relevant hashtag 3]

This template works wonders for tutorial videos, in-depth discussions, or any content where you're packing in a lot of info.

2. The Keyword-Optimized SEO Template

When you're on a mission to climb those search rankings:

[Primary keyword] - [Secondary keyword] | [Brief video title]

Discover how to [primary keyword] in this comprehensive guide on [secondary keyword]. We'll cover everything from [subtopic 1] to [subtopic 2], giving you the tools to [desired outcome].

Key topics covered:

1. [Keyword-rich subtopic 1]

2. [Keyword-rich subtopic 2]

3. [Keyword-rich subtopic 3]

[Additional paragraph with naturally incorporated keywords]

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more [topic] content!

Links and resources:

• [Relevant link 1]

• [Relevant link 2]

#[Keyword-based hashtag 1] #[Keyword-based hashtag 2] #[Brand hashtag]

Pro tip: Use tools like Castmagic's AI-powered suggestions to find those juicy, high-ranking keywords!

3. The Storytelling Description Template

For when you want to tug at those heartstrings:

[Intriguing question or statement related to video topic]

Join me as I share my journey of [video topic]. From [starting point] to [end result], this video takes you through the ups, downs, and everything in between.

You'll discover:

• How I overcame [challenge]

• The surprising lesson I learned about [topic]

• Why [unexpected insight] changed everything

Ready to be inspired? Hit play and don't forget to subscribe for more stories that'll [benefit to viewer].

Connect with me:

• Instagram: [Link]

• Twitter: [Link]

#[Emotional hashtag] #[Topic hashtag] #[Inspirational hashtag]

This template is perfect for vlogs, personal stories, or any content where you're taking viewers on an emotional journey.

Related: Learn about how to title your YouTube videos to get more views. 

4. The Call-to-Action Focused Template

When you're all about that engagement:

[Provocative question related to video topic]

In this video, I'm tackling [topic] head-on. But I can't do it alone - I need YOUR help!

Here's what you can do:

1. Watch the video (obviously!)

2. Leave a comment with your thoughts on [specific question]

3. Share this video with someone who needs to hear this message

But wait, there's more! Subscribe now and hit that notification bell to [benefit of subscribing]. Trust me, you won't want to miss what's coming next.

Let's connect:

• Join my exclusive community: [Link]

• Follow me on Instagram for behind-the-scenes content: [Link]

Together, we can [inspiring goal related to video topic]. Are you in?

#[Action-oriented hashtag] #[Topic hashtag] #[Community hashtag]

Use this when you really want to drive engagement and build your community. 

5. The Episode or Series Description Template

Perfect for keeping your binge-watchers hooked:

[Series name] - Episode [X]: [Episode title]

The saga continues! In this episode of [Series name], we dive deep into [episode topic]. Missed the previous episodes? No worries! Catch up here: [Playlist link]

What to expect in Episode [X]:

• [Teaser point 1]

• [Teaser point 2]

• [Cliffhanger teaser]

New episodes drop every [day of week]. Subscribe and hit the notification bell so you never miss an update!


00:00 - Previously on [Series name]

[Additional timestamps] 

Support the show:

• Become a patron: [Patreon link]

• Buy our merch: [Merch store link]

#[Series hashtag] #[Episode hashtag] #[Topic hashtag] 

This template keeps your viewers coming back for more, episode after episode!

Pro tip: Create a playlist of all the previous videos in order!

Don't forget to include media links to your other videos in the series in your description as well.

Customizing Templates for Your Channel

Now, these YouTube description templates are great starting points, but - like with any template - the real magic happens when you alter them to make them your own. Creating good YouTube descriptions isn't just about following a formula—it's about crafting the best description for your YouTube channel that reflects your unique voice and content.

Infuse Your Personality

The best YouTube descriptions are those that capture the essence of your YouTube channel. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through! If your channel is quirky and fun, your descriptions should be too. Are you more formal and educational? Your language should reflect that. Remember, your description is often the first interaction a potential subscriber has with your content, so make it count!

Know Your Audience

Understanding your viewers is key to crafting description ideas for your YouTube channel that resonate. What language do they use? What information are they looking for? Use this knowledge to tailor your descriptions. For example, if you're targeting tech-savvy millennials, you might use more industry jargon and pop culture references. If your audience is older professionals, a more straightforward, value-focused approach might work better.

Related: How to Make the Best YouTube Video for Your Niche

Experiment with Structure

While our templates provide a solid foundation, don't be afraid to shake things up. Maybe your audience responds well to bullet points, or perhaps they prefer a more narrative style. Try different formats and see what works best for your channel. You could even ask your viewers for feedback on your descriptions—engagement like this can boost your video's performance in YouTube's algorithm.

Incorporate Channel-Specific Elements

Do you have a catchphrase or a particular way you open your videos? Include it in your descriptions! These channel-specific elements can help create a cohesive brand experience across all your content. It's these unique touches that transform a good YouTube description into one of the best descriptions for YouTube in your niche.

Optimize for Search and Discovery

While personality is important, don't forget about SEO. Use keywords naturally throughout your description, especially in the first few sentences. Remember though, don't keyword stuff! Instead, it's a better idea to simply incorporate your keywords where they fit organically. This helps YouTube understand what your video is about and can improve your visibility in search results.

Use Castmagic for Inspiration

If you're struggling to customize your descriptions, Castmagic can be a valuable tool. It can analyze your video content and generate description ideas for your YouTube channel that align with your style and topic. Use these AI-generated descriptions as a starting point, then add your personal touch to create truly unique and engaging content.

Remember, the goal is to create YouTube descriptions that not only help your videos get found but also compel viewers to click, watch, and engage with your content. By customizing the templates we shared to fit your unique channel, you're well on your way to crafting some of the best descriptions for YouTube. The more effort you put into your titles, thumbnails, and description boxes, the better chance you have to grow your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Best Practices for YouTube Descriptions

Let's explore a few additional ideas to level up your description game! Below are some insider tips that'll make your videos irresistible to both viewers and the YouTube algorithm. 

Optimizing for Search Engines

Remember, YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine. Make those descriptions work for you: 

- Front-load your keywords in the first couple of sentences

- Use variations of your keywords naturally throughout the description

- Include relevant tags and categories 

Enhancing User Experience

Your viewers will love you for this:

- Make your descriptions scannable with short paragraphs and bullet points

- Include timestamps for easy navigation

- Add links to related videos or playlists 

Incorporating Links and Resources

Give your viewers more ways to engage: 

- Link to your website or blog for more in-depth content

- Include social media links to grow your following across platforms

- Add affiliate links (with proper disclosure) where relevant

Examples of Successful YouTube Channel Descriptions

Want to see these principles in action? Check out channels like Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) for tech reviews, Yoga with Adriene for fitness content, or Mandy in the Making for food tutorial videos. Notice how they all have clear, engaging descriptions that give you a perfect snapshot of what their channel is all about. 

They often will include links to the very things they are discussing as well. For example, Mandy in the Making includes chapters so you can skip to the recipe you want to see the most, and she shares the links to the recipes so you can make them yourself. 

What we really like about Yoga With Adrienne’s YouTube description is that she often shares “more videos to check out” similar to the video you are watching. This is a great way to drive more views on your channel because people who are already watching a video on a topic are more likely to stick around for similar videos. Talk about a great way to get those watch hours up!

Using AI to Streamline Your Description Writing Process

Writing descriptions for every single video can be a drag. That's where AI tools like Castmagic come in handy. Castmagic can analyze your video content and generate tailored descriptions, complete with relevant keywords, timestamps, and even suggested hashtags. It's like having a super-smart intern who never sleeps!

Intelligent Content Analysis

Castmagic goes beyond simple text generation. It uses advanced AI to understand your video content, listening to audio, analyzing visual elements, and grasping context. This means the descriptions it generates are truly relevant to your specific content, not just generic filler. 

SEO Optimization

Forget spending hours on keyword research. Castmagic taps into YouTube trends and SEO best practices to suggest the most effective keywords for your video. It seamlessly incorporates these into your description, boosting your chances of showing up in search results and suggested videos. 

Personalized Style and Tone

Your brand voice matters. Castmagic learns your unique style over time and can generate descriptions that sound just like you wrote them. Whether your vibe is professional, quirky, or somewhere in between, Castmagic adapts to match your tone. 

Time-Saving Features

Castmagic doesn't just write descriptions - it enhances them. It can automatically generate timestamps, suggest trending hashtags, and even craft compelling calls-to-action tailored to your video content and channel goals. This saves you time and makes your descriptions more user-friendly and effective. 

Multilingual Support and Compliance

Got an international audience? Castmagic can generate descriptions in multiple languages, helping you reach a global viewership. It also stays up-to-date with YouTube's policies, ensuring your descriptions are compliant with the platform's guidelines. 

Castmagic's AI-powered capabilities help you with optimizing every aspect of your YouTube descriptions. This means more views, better engagement, and ultimately, faster channel growth. And while Castmagic is working its magic, you can focus on what you do best: creating amazing video content that your audience will love. 

Remember, AI tools like Castmagic are here to enhance your creativity, not replace it. Use the generated descriptions as a starting point, then add your personal touch to make them truly shine. But with Castmagic by your side, writer's block will be a thing of the past. Your YouTube descriptions will be working harder than ever to grow your channel too! 

Your Description, Your Secret Growth Avenue

There you have it, folks - the inside scoop on crafting YouTube descriptions that'll have viewers flocking to your channel. Remember, your description is more than just a box to fill - it's your secret weapon in the battle for YouTube visibility. 

So, what are you waiting for? Take these templates, make them your own, and start creating descriptions that work as hard as you do. And hey, if you want to take your YouTube game to the next level, why not give Castmagic a try? It might just be the tool that transforms your channel from hidden gem to must-watch sensation. Click here for a free trial!

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