Lisa Bilyeu

Co-Founder of Impact Theory

Life Coach


Online Educator




About Lisa Bilyeu

Lisa Bilyeu is a dynamic entrepreneur, co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, and the fearless leader behind Impact Theory—a digital media production company focused on personal development and empowerment. An advocate for holistic health and female empowerment, Lisa has transformed her compelling journey from housewife to powerhouse into an inspiring narrative that resonates with millions worldwide.

Through her widely-followed platforms, including Women of Impact, she amplifies stories of resilience and strength, aiming to empower women to disrupt societal norms and forge their own paths toward success. Her charismatic presence as a host and speaker underscores her mission: to fuel people’s quests for self-improvement by providing actionable wisdom gleaned from thought leaders across various fields. Balancing business acumen with heartfelt authenticity, Lisa continues to redefine what it means to be a modern-day icon in entrepreneurship and beyond.

Fun Facts About Lisa Bilyeu

  1. Lisa Bilyeu, initially a “traditional Greek wife” supporting her husband, unexpectedly found herself deeply involved in Quest Nutrition's explosive growth and successfully navigated the challenges of running what eventually became a billion-dollar company with no prior experience. Source
  2. In April 2024, Lisa Bilyeu launched her book, “Radical Confidence: 11 Lessons on How to Get the Relationship, Career, and Life You Want,” on paperback. Source
  3. Lisa Bilyeu also offers a 10-part online course on building radical confidence. Source

Quotes by Lisa Bilyeu

  1. “There’s always going to be somebody that doesn’t believe in your dream. The only thing you have to ask yourself is, 'Do YOU believe in your dream?'”
  2. “True wellness means you need to take care of the body and the mind.
  3. “Life is deadly serious. I need to make the most of every minute because I could die tomorrow. At the same time, life is a playground. I need to be giggling and having fun every single minute I’m alive.”

Lisa Bilyeu's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 824,000 0.63% 5,200 202
TikTok 86,000 0.11% 96 3
YouTube 1,200,000 0.22% 2,600 293
Twitter 5,700 0.30% 16 3
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Lisa Bilyeu's Topics & Themes

Personal Improvement






About Lisa Bilyeu's Audience

Lisa Bilyeu's audience is a mosaic of individuals striving for personal and professional excellence, each finding encouragement and practical wisdom in her multifaceted content. Here are some key audience segments she appeals to:

  1. Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Business Owners: Individuals looking for inspiration and actionable advice on starting or scaling their businesses find Lisa's journey—from co-founding Quest Nutrition to leading Impact Theory—particularly motivating.
  2. Women Seeking Empowerment: Through platforms like Women of Impact, she draws a large female audience looking for inspiration, empowerment, and advice on overcoming personal and professional obstacles to achieve their goals.
  3. Personal Development Enthusiasts: People interested in self-improvement, mental resilience, and holistic health turn to Lisa for motivational content that blends emotional authenticity with practical guidance.
  4. Content Creators: With her knack for storytelling and media production through Impact Theory, she draws in podcasters, vloggers, writers, and other creatives eager to learn how to generate impactful content that resonates authentically with audiences.
  5. Business Leaders & Professionals: Corporate professionals looking for leadership tips or innovative strategies find value in Lisa’s experiences navigating the complexities of scaling a business while maintaining core values.

Contact Lisa Bilyeu via Email

Lisa Bilyeu's Social Media Links

Platforms That Lisa Bilyeu Is Active On








Featured Content from Lisa Bilyeu

Lisa Bilyeu: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why we appreciate Lisa Bilyeu's video on setting boundaries:

  1. Engaging storytelling: Lisa Bilyeu begins by sharing a relatable personal story about her mother's desire for grandchildren, illustrating the challenges of setting boundaries with loved ones. This storytelling approach draws viewers in and sets the stage for the topic at hand.
  2. Expert guest: The video features Terri Cole, a licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert, who provides valuable insights and practical advice on setting boundaries. Her expertise lends credibility to the content and enhances the overall learning experience.
  3. Structured conversation: The discussion between Lisa Bilyeu and Terri Cole follows a logical progression, starting with personal anecdotes, moving on to general principles of boundary-setting, and then delving into specific scenarios such as setting boundaries with family, friends, and oneself. This structure keeps the conversation focused and easy to follow.
  4. Real-life examples: Throughout the video, both Lisa Bilyeu and Terri Cole share real-life examples from their own experiences and those of their clients. These examples help to illustrate the importance of setting boundaries and provide practical demonstrations of how to apply the principles discussed.
  5. Actionable advice: Terri Cole offers concrete, actionable advice on how to set and maintain boundaries in various situations. For example, she suggests using "I" statements when communicating boundaries and provides specific phrases viewers can use in their own lives. This practical approach makes the content more valuable and applicable to the audience.
  6. Emphasis on self-reflection: The conversation encourages viewers to reflect on their own experiences and patterns of behavior when it comes to setting boundaries. This introspective element helps viewers identify areas in their lives where they may need to establish or reinforce boundaries for their own well-being.
  7. Empowering message: Throughout the video, both Lisa Bilyeu and Terri Cole emphasize the importance of setting boundaries as an act of self-care and self-respect. This empowering message encourages viewers to prioritize their own needs and well-being, making the content both informative and inspiring.

How to Create Content Like Lisa Bilyeu

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Lisa Bilyeu and Terri Cole's conversation on setting boundaries as a woman:

  1. Choose an important but underserved topic: Effective boundary setting is a critical life skill, especially for women who often face societal pressure to be accommodating. By exploring this topic that isn't discussed enough, you provide unique value that will attract an engaged audience. 
  2. Structure content around actionable tips: Rather than having a general discussion about boundaries, Lisa Bilyeu and Terri Cole break down specific scripts, questions to ask yourself, and strategies for setting boundaries in different scenarios. Organizing the content around concrete takeaways makes it more impactful and useful to viewers.
  3. Incorporate personal stories and examples: Throughout the conversation, Lisa Bilyeu and Terri Cole reference anecdotes and examples from their own lives to illustrate boundary setting in practice. Sharing real, honest stories helps the audience connect emotionally and understand how to apply the advice to their own circumstances.
  4. Collaborate with an expert for deeper insights: Having a guest like Terri Cole who specializes in the topic of boundaries elevates the credibility and substance of the discussion. The dynamic between host and expert also makes it engaging to follow. When possible, bring on a respected voice to explore dimensions you couldn't cover on your own.
  5. Encourage self-reflection and audience participation: Lisa Bilyeu often pauses to ask the viewer thought-provoking questions about their own lives, and encourages comments sharing their experiences. Building in opportunities for introspection and interaction strengthens the bond with the audience and the impact of the message.

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