Sam Harris

Public Intellectual, Host of 'Making Sense,' and Founder of Waking Up



Online Educator




About Sam Harris

Sam Harris is an American author, neuroscientist, and philosopher known for his critical views on religion and his advocacy for science-based reasoning. With a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience from UCLA and a background in philosophy, Harris bridges the gap between rigorous scientific inquiry and deep philosophical questions about human consciousness, ethics, and spirituality. He gained widespread recognition with his 2004 book The End of Faith, which critiques organized religion while advocating for secularism.

Harris has since authored several bestsellers including Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, and Free Will. In addition to his written work, he hosts the popular podcast Making Sense, where he engages in thought-provoking discussions with leading intellectuals across various fields. An advocate for meditation and mindfulness as valuable tools for personal development, Sam Harris also founded the Waking Up app to offer guided meditative practices rooted in both scientific understanding and contemplative traditions.

Fun Facts About Sam Harris

  1. In his TED Talk, “Science can answer moral questions,” Sam Harris challenged the common belief that questions of good and evil are beyond scientific inquiry. Source
  2. After two impactful podcast episodes with Will MacAskill, Sam Harris committed to significant charitable donations, including $3500/month to the Against Malaria Foundation and 10% of profits from his Waking Up app to effective charities through Giving What We Can. Source
  3. In his podcast "Making Sense," Harris has interviewed a diverse range of high-profile guests, including scientists, philosophers, and public intellectuals like Daniel Kahneman, Dan Dennett, and Ben Shapiro. Source

Quotes by Sam Harris

  1. “If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence. If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?”
  2. “The only thing that permits human beings to collaborate with one another in a truly open-ended way is their willingness to have their beliefs modified by new facts. Only openness to evidence and argument will secure a common world for us.”
  3. “Almost all our suffering is the product of our thoughts. We spend nearly every moment of our lives lost in thought, and hostage to the character of those thoughts. You can break this spell, but it takes training just like it takes training to defend yourself against a physical assault.”

Sam Harris's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 399,000 1.63% 6,500 625
TikTok 60,000 26.65% 16,000 874
YouTube 685,000 0.23% 1,600 755
Twitter 24,300 1.08% 239 44
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Sam Harris's Topics & Themes













About Sam Harris's Audience

By addressing a wide range of topics through a rigorous lens while remaining accessible to the layperson, Sam Harris successfully reaches a broad spectrum of thoughtful individuals interested in exploring life's deep questions and practical solutions for personal growth. Here are a few more segments of his audience:

  1. Secularists and Atheists: Individuals who resonate with his critiques of organized religion and advocacy for secularism.
  2. Skeptics and Rational Thinkers: People interested in science-based reasoning, critical thinking, and debunking pseudoscience often find value in Sam Harris’s work.
  3. Philosophy Enthusiasts: Those keen on ethical philosophy, particularly concerning morality without religious underpinnings, are drawn to his insights.
  4. Mindfulness Practitioners: Given his promotion of meditation as a scientifically backed practice for enhancing mental well-being, he attracts an audience invested in mindfulness and personal development.
  5. Intellectuals and Academics: Scholars and students intrigued by the intersection of neuroscience with broader human concerns frequently engage with Sam Harris's content.

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Featured Content from Sam Harris

Sam Harris: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here's why we appreciate Sam Harris's insightful podcast episode on the current state of race relations and policing in America:

  1. Thoughtful introduction: Sam Harris begins by acknowledging the complexity and sensitivity of the topic, emphasizing the need for a rational, fact-based discussion. He sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the issues at hand.
  2. Data-driven analysis: Throughout the episode, Sam Harris presents relevant statistics and studies to support his arguments. By citing data on police violence, crime rates, and racial disparities, he adds credibility to his points and encourages listeners to consider the facts objectively.
  3. Addressing multiple perspectives: Sam Harris tackles various aspects of the issue, from police misconduct and systemic racism to the challenges of police reform and the impact of social media on public discourse. This comprehensive approach helps listeners gain a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
  4. Real-world examples: Sam Harris references specific cases, such as the killings of Walter Scott and George Floyd, to illustrate his points. These real-world examples make the content more relatable and highlight the urgency of addressing these issues.
  5. Challenging assumptions: Sam Harris questions common narratives and assumptions surrounding race and policing, urging listeners to think critically about the information they consume. By challenging these assumptions, he encourages a more nuanced understanding of the complex realities at play.
  6. Personal insights and experiences: Sam Harris shares his own thoughts and experiences, adding a personal touch to the content. His reflections on the breakdown of civil discourse and the impact of social media on communication provide valuable insights into the current state of public dialogue.
  7. Thought-provoking questions: Throughout the episode, Sam Harris raises thought-provoking questions about the future of race relations, the potential for police reform, and the challenges of achieving a post-racial society. These questions encourage listeners to engage with the content on a deeper level and consider their own perspectives.
  8. Call for rational conversation: Sam Harris emphasizes the importance of open, rational dialogue in addressing these complex issues. By urging listeners to engage in constructive conversations based on evidence and reason, he sets a positive example for navigating difficult topics.

How to Create Content Like Sam Harris

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Sam Harris's podcast episode:

  1. Present data to challenge assumptions: Rather than echoing popular narratives, Sam Harris cites specific statistics and studies to question common perceptions around race and policing. Bringing facts and figures into the discussion helps create more nuanced arguments.
  2. Openly acknowledge complexity and downsides: Sam Harris avoids presenting any simplistic solutions. He recognizes the difficulties in reforming police departments, the unintended consequences of viral videos, and the challenges in undoing historical racism. Admitting these complexities gives the content more credibility.
  3. Speak from authority on the subject: As a public intellectual who has studied and commented on social issues for years, Sam Harris draws upon his expertise to analyze the situation. Leveraging your own background and knowledge on a topic can help establish your credibility in commenting on it.
  4. Maintain a calm, rational tone: Despite the emotionally charged nature of the issues, Sam Harris keeps his arguments dispassionate and even-keeled throughout. He focuses on the facts and steers clear of inflammatory rhetoric. This composed approach helps keep the audience focused on the substance of the discussion.
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