Noah Kagan

Founder of AppSumo




Online Educator


About Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan is an accomplished entrepreneur, marketer, and business influencer. As the founder of AppSumo, a platform offering software deals that empower entrepreneurs and small businesses, Noah has been instrumental in revolutionizing how startups scale their digital operations.

Prior to founding AppSumo, he was a Product Manager at Facebook and also contributed significantly to before its acquisition by Intuit. With a keen eye for what drives growth and innovation, Noah shares his wealth of experience through his free weekly marketing newsletter and YouTube channel—offering actionable insights on entrepreneurship, marketing hacks, productivity tips, and personal development.

Fun Facts About Noah Kagan

  1. Noah Kagan has built 8 million-dollar businesses: Kickflip, Gambit, KingSumo, SendFox, Sumo, Tidycal, Monthly1K, AppSumo. Source
  2. Noah Kagan once started a beef jerky subscription business called Sumo Jerky as an experiment to see how quickly he could launch a profitable business. In the first 24 hours, he made $1,135. Source
  3. Noah Kagan hosts a podcast, “Noah Kagan Presents,” where he interviews successful entrepreneurs and shares business insights. Source

Quotes by Noah Kagan

  1. “I have zero sense why anyone wants to be employee 150,000 at Google when they can have massive impact, serious learning, and great upside at a startup.”
  2. “Overthinking seems like the 'smart' way to launch, but it’s far less effective. Super-successful people do the opposite—they take action first, get real feedback, and learn from that, which is a million times more valuable than any book or course. And quicker! Most people: Overthink first, act later. Every successful entrepreneur: Act first, figure it out later.”
  3. “Next time you are overthinking and not taking action, tell yourself to prioritize taking action NOW and don’t worry about the HOW. After you do this ONCE, you quickly get momentum and it becomes easier and more natural.”

Noah Kagan's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 273,565 0.33% 910 34
TikTok 229,400 7.73% 18,000 117
YouTube 1,100,000 0.42% 4,700 172
Twitter 158,300 0% 0 9
Last Updated: 7/31/2024

Noah Kagan's Topics & Themes





Personal Finance



About Noah Kagan's Audience

Noah Kagan attracts a diverse range of audiences, primarily centered around the entrepreneurial and tech communities. Here are some key groups that frequently engage with his content and ventures:

  1. Entrepreneurs & Aspiring Business Owners: Individuals looking to start their own businesses or scale up existing ones find Noah Kagan's practical advice invaluable. His insights into startup strategies, growth hacking, and lean operations resonate deeply with this audience.
  2. Digital Marketers: Marketing professionals seeking innovative ways to drive traffic, convert leads, and optimize online campaigns tune in to Noah Kagan’s cutting-edge tactics. His extensive experience in both early-stage startups and successful ventures provides a goldmine of actionable tips.
  3. Tech Enthusiasts & Developers: Tech-savvy individuals interested in the latest software tools and industry trends follow AppSumo deals closely, which often feature products tailored to improve productivity or boost business efficiency.
  4. Startup Enthusiasts & Investors: Individuals passionate about the startup ecosystem, including potential investors, keep an eye on Noah's ventures and recommendations to stay ahead of emerging trends and innovative business models.
  5. Life-Long Learners & Self-Improvement Seekers: Those committed to personal development appreciate his insights into productivity hacks, mindset shifts, and life optimization techniques that can be applied both professionally and personally.

Contact Noah Kagan via Email

Noah Kagan's Social Media Links

Platforms That Noah Kagan Is Active On





Featured Content from Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan: The Anatomy of Good Content

This video follows a well-structured narrative that effectively conveys Noah Kagan's journey to making his first million dollars. Here are some elements that make this content effective:

  1. Chronological narrative: The story follows a clear timeline, starting from Kagan's job at Intel after college and progressing through his various experiences at Facebook, Mint, and his own businesses. This structure makes it easy for the audience to follow his journey.
  2. Personal anecdotes: Noah Kagan shares specific details and anecdotes from his life, making the content more relatable and authentic. This helps the audience connect with his story on a personal level.
  3. Lessons learned: Throughout the video, Kagan highlights key lessons he learned at each stage of his career. These insights provide valuable takeaways for the audience, making the content more practical and useful.
  4. Emphasis on persistence: Kagan stresses the importance of persistence and the "10-year rule," encouraging viewers to keep going despite challenges and failures. This message is inspiring and motivating for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  5. Actionable advice: Towards the end of the video, Kagan provides a game plan for viewers who want to become millionaires themselves. He offers specific tips on saving, investing, keeping living costs low, and finding work they enjoy. This actionable advice makes the content more valuable to the audience.

How to Create Content Like Noah Kagan

Here are a few key takeaways from Noah Kagan's video that other YouTube creators can learn from to potentially achieve similar success:

  1. Tell a compelling personal story: Noah shares his journey to making his first million dollars in an engaging, narrative format. He's open about his successes, failures, and lessons learned along the way. Authentically sharing your own story can help viewers connect.
  2. Provide practical, actionable advice: Rather than just bragging about becoming a millionaire, Noah extracts specific tips and strategies others can apply, like doing side hustles while working a day job, surrounding yourself with smart people, solving your own problems, keeping costs low while investing, etc. Giving tactics people can actually implement provides real value.
  3. Leverage an attention-grabbing title/topic: "How I Made My First Million Dollars" is the kind of headline that sparks curiosity and grabs attention in a sea of YouTube videos. The topic of making money and becoming wealthy has very broad appeal.
  4. Have an authentic, relatable style: Noah comes across as a normal guy sharing his story, not a polished guru selling some get-rich-quick scheme. His casual, conversational tone makes him seem approachable and relatable rather than slick and salesy. 
  5. Inspire and motivate: Hearing a real person explain how they went from living on couches to becoming a millionaire in a decade is motivating for viewers. Noah shows what's possible with hard work and persistence over time, inspiring others on their own entrepreneurial journeys.
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