Kayla Itsines

Fitness Expert & Co-Founder of Sweat





About Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines is an internationally renowned personal trainer and entrepreneur who has revolutionized the fitness industry with her accessible and effective workout programs. Born in Adelaide, Australia, Kayla's passion for health and fitness began at a young age and eventually led her to pursue a career that empowers millions of women around the world to achieve their wellness goals.

She gained widespread recognition through her Bikini Body Guides or BBG (now High Intensity with Kayla Itsines), which offer high-intensity workouts designed for all fitness levels. The success of these guides spurred the creation of the Sweat app, where users can access not only BBG but also various other training styles tailored by top trainers.

Kayla’s influence extends beyond just physical fitness; she strongly advocates for mental well-being and body positivity. Her approach emphasizes sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, encouraging women to build confidence from within.

In addition to her digital offerings, Kayla has authored books, including The Bikini Body 28-Day Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Guide and Reboot with Kayla, that provide comprehensive insights into healthy living—covering topics like nutrition, exercise routines, and motivational strategies.

Her dedicated online community serves as both inspiration and support system for those on their fitness journeys. On social media platforms like Instagram where she boasts over 15 million followers, Kayla engages directly with fans by sharing real-life stories of transformation alongside practical tips.

Fun Facts About Kayla Itsines

  1. After the birth of her daughter, Arna, in 2019, Kayla developed a post-pregnancy workout program tailored specifically for new mothers. This program focuses on helping women regain strength and fitness safely after childbirth, addressing the unique challenges of postpartum recovery. Source
  2. In 2021, Kayla Itsines' foundational workout program, Bikini Body Guide (BBG) was renamed "High Intensity with Kayla" to better reflect its empowering and inclusive approach to women's fitness. Source
  3. In April 2024, Kayla Itsines launched "Sweat Daily with Kayla Itsines," a podcast where she guides listeners in achieving their fitness goals by exploring wellness themes such as fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, motivation, sleep, and biohacking. Source

Quotes by Kayla Itsines

  1. “Switching your mindset from ‘I hope I can do this’ to ‘I'm going to make this happen’ is a game changer.”
  2. “Rest is a RIGHT. Not a reward. Read that again. You don't have to EARN rest. You don't have to earn food. You also don't have to punish yourself for taking a few days off whenever you need to. Creating healthy habits INCLUDES properly scheduling your recovery and rest days. Remember... we only get one body, make sure you treat it with the love and respect it deserves.“
  3. “Just because it's taking time, doesn't mean it's not happening.”

Kayla Itsines's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 15,886,385 0.07% 12,000 108
TikTok 85,000 0.75% 638 6
YouTube 414,000 0.07% 303 N/A
Twitter 350,200 0.00% 7 6
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Kayla Itsines's Topics & Themes

Health & Wellness


Mental Health



Personal Improvement


Sport & Fitness

Body Positivity

About Kayla Itsines's Audience

Kayla Itsines’ ability to create relatable content that balances rigorous training with accessible advice makes her appealing to a broad spectrum of audiences all united by an interest in enhancing their physical and mental well-being. Her key audience groups include:

  1. Women Seeking Fitness Solutions: Kayla Itines's core audience consists predominantly of women looking for effective ways to achieve their fitness goals. This includes beginners as well as those with more advanced fitness experience.
  2. Young Adults: Individuals in their 20s and 30s are particularly drawn to her dynamic workout routines that emphasize convenience and efficiency, making them suitable for busy lifestyles.
  3. Moms Post-Pregnancy: Many new mothers turn to Kayla Itsines’s programs for guidance on regaining strength and fitness post-pregnancy through targeted workouts designed for this specific life stage.
  4. Fitness Enthusiasts: People who are passionate about maintaining a healthy lifestyle find value in the variety and intensity of Kayla Itsines’s training plans, which can be scaled according to personal goals.
  5. Holistic Health Advocates: Individuals interested in holistic well-being, encompassing not just physical fitness but also mental health and nutrition, are attracted to Kayla Itsines’s comprehensive approach. Her programs often include guidance on balanced eating habits and mental wellness practices.

Contact Kayla Itsines via Email


Kayla Itsines's Social Media Links

Platforms That Kayla Itsines Is Active On






Featured Content from Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines: The Anatomy of Good Content

Here are some elements that make this workout video by Kayla Itsines good:

  1. Clear introduction: Kayla begins by introducing the workout, its duration, and the fact that no equipment is needed. This sets clear expectations for the viewers.
  2. Well-structured workout: The workout consists of 6 exercises performed in 3 rounds. This structure is easy to follow and helps keep the viewers engaged.
  3. Timely cues and instructions: Throughout the workout, Kayla provides timely cues for each exercise, including when to start, stop, and transition to the next move. She also offers form tips and reminds viewers to breathe.
  4. Modifications and encouragement: Kayla suggests modifications for some exercises, making the workout accessible to a broader audience. She also encourages viewers to push through and get out of their comfort zone.
  5. Pacing and rest periods: The exercises are performed for 30 seconds each, which is a manageable duration. Kayla also incorporates rest periods between rounds, allowing viewers to catch their breath and regroup.
  6. Personal touch: Kayla maintains a friendly and personable tone throughout the video, making it feel like she's working out alongside the viewers. This personal touch enhances the viewer's connection with the content.
  7. Clear conclusion: The video ends with a clear conclusion, with Kayla congratulating the viewers on completing the workout and encouraging them to have a great day.

How to Create Content Like Kayla Itsines

Here are a few key lessons other creators can take away from Kayla Itsines' successful ab workout video:

  1. Make the workout accessible and doable anywhere: Kayla emphasizes you can do this 10-minute routine anytime, anywhere, with no equipment needed. This makes it very convenient for viewers to follow along.
  2. Break the workout into short, focused segments: The video features 6 exercises, each done for 30 seconds, repeated for 3 total rounds. Keeping each exercise brief helps maintain intensity and engagement.
  3. Provide clear instructions and demonstrations: Kayla explains and physically shows the proper form for each move so there is no confusion. She offers guidance on technique throughout.
  4. Be encouraging and relatable: Kayla cheers the audience on with an upbeat, motivating tone. She keeps it real, fixing her hair at one point and admitting when the exercises get tough for her too. This relatability helps connect with viewers.
  5. Deliver a time-efficient, results-oriented workout: In just 10 minutes, this video takes you through an effective ab routine. Busy viewers appreciate getting a solid workout in minimal time.
  6. Bring high energy and personality: Kayla's enthusiastic presenting style and interaction with the audience helps make the challenging ab exercises more fun and engaging to complete. Her positive vibe is contagious.
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