Eric Thomas

Success Coach & Minister



Online Educator

Motivational Speaker


Life Coach

About Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas, also known as "ET the Hip Hop Preacher," is a world-renowned motivational speaker, author, and educator. With a compelling personal story of overcoming homelessness and academic struggles to earn his Ph.D., Eric inspires millions through his electrifying speeches and practical wisdom. His raw energy and unique delivery style resonate particularly with young people, athletes, and business professionals seeking transformative change in their lives.

As the CEO of ETA LLC. and critically acclaimed author of books like Average Skill, Phenomenal Will, Greatness Is Upon You, and You Owe You, Eric's mission is to empower individuals to unlock their full potential. Through engaging YouTube videos that have garnered millions of views, the “Secrets to Success” podcast, seminars, corporate training sessions, and educational initiatives aimed at disadvantaged youth, he serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for many. Eric’s relentless drive underscores his core belief: “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.”

Fun Facts About Eric Thomas

  1. Despite dropping out of high school, Eric Thomas went back to school, earned his GED, and eventually obtained a Ph.D. in Education Administration from Michigan State University. Source
  2. In 2014, Eric Thomas founded The School Days Foundation, which focuses on bridging the educational gap for underserved communities by providing motivational resources, mentorship, and scholarships to students in need. Source
  3. Eric Thomas is a Senior Pastor at A Place of Change (APOC) Ministries. Source

Quotes by Eric Thomas

  1. “Stop being average. You’re not even good. You were born to be great.”
  2. “I wanted to surround myself with the kind of people who could help me turn my life around; people whom I could rub up against like iron and be sharpened.”
  3. “The difference between those who succeed and fail: not taking advantage of opportunities.”

Eric Thomas's Influence Scorecard

Platform Followers Engagement Rate Average Interaction
Likes Comments/Retweets
Instagram 2,300,000 0.22% 5,100 129
TikTok 688,000 0.62% 4,300 52
YouTube 1,500,000 0.08% 1,200 61
Twitter 409,500 0.07% 278 78
Last Updated: 8/9/2024

Eric Thomas's Topics & Themes





Personal Improvement


About Eric Thomas's Audience

Dean Graziosi attracts a diverse array of audiences, comprising individuals and groups interested in self-improvement, entrepreneurship, and real estate investment. His reach extends to the following primary audience segments:

  1. Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Business Owners: Individuals looking to start or grow their own businesses are drawn to Dean’s expertise in business strategy, scaling operations, and marketing.
  2. Real Estate Investors: As an experienced real estate investor himself, Dean attracts those interested in learning about real estate investments, property flipping, and building wealth through property acquisition.
  3. Self-Improvement Enthusiasts: People committed to personal development seek out his motivational content on achieving success through mindset shifts, goal setting, and habits that foster growth.
  4. Professionals Seeking Career Advancement: Professionals across various industries who aspire to enhance their career prospects and leadership skills find value in Dean's teachings on productivity and strategic thinking.
  5. Motivational Seekers: Those needing inspiration and motivation are attracted by his engaging storytelling, motivational talks, and actionable life lessons.

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Platforms That Eric Thomas Is Active On








Featured Content from Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas: The Anatomy of Good Content

This motivational speech by Eric Thomas is effective and engaging for several reasons:

  1. Interaction with the audience: Eric Thomas actively involves his audience by asking them questions and encouraging them to respond. This keeps the listeners engaged and makes the speech more dynamic.
  2. Personal anecdotes: Eric Thomas shares personal stories from his life, such as his family background and experiences, which makes the content relatable and authentic.
  3. Clear message: Throughout the speech, Thomas Eric emphasizes the importance of separating oneself from others, being accountable, and staying true to oneself. He consistently reinforces these key points, making the message clear and memorable.
  4. Humor and relatability: Eric Thomas uses humor and relatable examples (e.g., the fried rice sample at the grocery store) to make his points more accessible and engaging for the audience.
  5. Emotional appeal: By sharing his own struggles and triumphs, Eric Thomas creates an emotional connection with his listeners. He also touches on the importance of family, pride, and responsibility, which resonates with the audience on a deeper level.
  6. Call to action: Towards the end of the speech, Eric Thomas encourages his audience to give their best effort in everything they do, regardless of the outcome. This call to action motivates the listeners to apply his advice to their own lives.
  7. Authentic delivery: Eric Thomas' speaking style is energetic, passionate, and authentic. He comes across as genuine and sincere, which enhances the impact of his message.

How to Create Content Like Eric Thomas

Here are a few ways to replicate the success of Eric Thomas' motivational speech:

  1. Choose an emotionally compelling topic: Motivation and self-improvement are hugely popular evergreen topics on YouTube. By passionately speaking about separating yourself from the crowd and being your authentic self, Eric Thomas taps into the viewer's desire to achieve their full potential. Focusing your content on perennially relevant themes that resonate emotionally maximizes its shareability.
  2. Engage the audience with questions and examples: Throughout the speech, Eric Thomas frequently asks the audience questions and solicits their responses. He also shares relatable examples, like shaking each person's hand before the talk. This back-and-forth style makes the viewer feel involved, as if Eric Thomas is speaking directly to them, forging a deeper connection.
  3. Draw from your personal experiences: Eric Thomas powerfully illustrates his points by vulnerably sharing his own journey and background, from being homeless to respecting his stepfather. Authentically referencing your own life story allows the audience to know, like and trust you more compared to citing generic platitudes.  
  4. Communicate with conviction and energy: Beyond his words, Eric Thomas' dynamic vocal tonality and body language convey his passion for helping others maximize their potential. Speaking with unwavering conviction, as if you're having a heart-to-heart conversation with a good friend, inspires the viewer to believe your message and take action.
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